<BGSOUND SRC="/vanessalyn/bluemoon.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome to Sylvia's Page
Here you'll find updates on the Birthday Girl as well as a few useful links.
Birth Information:
Birthdate and time:  March 5, 2002, 1:52 p.m.
Location:  St. John's Hospital, Springfield, MO
Weight:  7 lb 8 oz
Length:  21 inches
Sylvia asleep on the couch with Daddy
Remember this sweet little angel?  She's not so little anymore.
Here's Sylvia in December.  It's amazing how much she's grown.  Visit this page again later for more updated photos. 
Birthday Party Info:

March 8, 2004, 6 p.m.
Chuck E. Cheese (Primrose Shopping Center, near Best Buy)

Clothes Size:  24 month or 2T
Shoe Size:  5

Favorite Toys:  Little People, little figures she can play with, cowboy stuff, toy kitchen

Favorite TV Shows:  Elmo's World, Sesame Street, Blue's Clues

Favorite Movies and Videos:  Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc, Jonah, Veggie Tales
Useful Links:

Fisher Price

Little Tykes


Walmart Kid's Toys

Toys R Us

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