The Foundation of Creativity

Quote of the update: From Cancer Ward by Aleksandr Sozhenytsin: People have distorted ideas about what's good and bad. To live in a five-story cage, with people banging about and walking to and from above your head and the radio blaring on all sides, is considered good. But to live as a hardworking tiller of the soil in a mud hut on the edge of the steppe--that's considered the height of misfortune.


Although nothing is brand new (with one small exception,) I have added some literature that you may not have seen yet. Check out Crayons in the Stories section, as well as parts of the newly rediscovered Green Notebook. Also, shortly to come are other poems stories and a discussion of horror movies: what makes them good, what makes them bad, and what are some good and bad examples. Feel free to offer criticism on the literature, performance art, or the cite itself, as well as any other non-offensive notes, on the guestbook.

Stories, Essays and Poems

The Internet is Bad
And you've found the worst of it right here.
A form-simile between artistic production and law enforcement.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Dumb Putz
Integrating the "what" and "why" of art.
A New Beginning for a Hot-dog Stand
Arthur makes a new friend.
The Untold Story
A man's mind is his spaceship.
Democracy, Ho'!
Searching for National Culture
The Box
A poem.
An older story, that shouldn't be read by those who think that writing is an admirable activity.



What does this button do?
2.7 Mb .wav file
1 plus 2 plus 6 is seven
This is an update to the site and a .midi file. It will sound different on different computers, but the composition is the same. Please take a moment to offer feedback on my guestbook.

The Green Notebook

A collection of my earlier unperformed music, events, plays and whacky stories.


Some aleatory wrestling games


C. Gutt 8/21/2001 View Guestbook Sign Guestbook