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What's In Ro's Place

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Please note that, unlike our God who creatLINKSed th

St Albert The Great Newman Center

Huey Lewis and The News

Phil Hartman Tribute

My Favorite Actor






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About Us

  Please note that, unlike our God who created the heavens and the earth in only seven days, this web site is still under construction. Please keep it in your prayers during its constant development. I hope you enjoy my site. God Bless! Hi! I'm Rosemarie (aka "Ro") and welcome to my homepage. Included are some of my favorite links. I hope you enjoy them A bit about me: I am almost at the age 30 milestone. I don't know if I am looking forward to it. I live in Las Cruces, New Mexico and attend New Mexico State University. I am studying for my B.S. in Family and Child Science. My minors are Public Health Education and Sociology. As you can tell by my studies, I love working with people. I plan on graduating in May of 1999. I have a beautiful daughter named Danielle Micaela. She is 5 years old and about to enter kindergarten. She likes Selena, The Spice Girls, Barbies, dress-up and amusement parks. She is active in gymnastics (Leapin' Lizards) and Dancing (ballet, tap and jazz). Some of my favorite things to do are traveling (I try to take one big trip a year, this year we went to southern California and spent 5 days at Disneyland), photography (NM has some beautiful sites to photograph. I am hoping to add a link to this page with some of my photographs), chatting on the chats (you can find me at Melrose Place 4616), meeting new and interesting people, watching news shows (I love the KTLA Morning News and you can find out more about it in my link list...we visited the show while in LA), and hanging out with my friends from church (click on St. Albert the Great-Newman Center). Hope you enjoy my page and write to let me know what you think. Please also sign my guest book. Check back time and time again for I will be adding to my page when time permits. Take care and God Bless!

Rosemarie - 98

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