Psychic Services
Dianna Padgett Reading Schedule:
Isis Books
2775 S Broadway Englewood CO
Sat. Noon to 5:30
Mon/Tues 10AM to Noon
Phone: 303-761-8627
For Information on Qabalah Classes
All readings are Confidential.
I read through the Infinite Core which connects all.
It is my foundation as it is yours.
This is where we are united.
Past Present and Future are one here.
There are no masks and no pretenses.
The readings are spread by hand
and intrepeted by me, not a computer.
So be patient.
You will receive an email from me
in a day or two to inform
you of the address of your reading.
Or of the time we can do the reading by phone.
The payment is via PayPal.
I'll send you a request for payment by email.
All readings and correspondence will
be recorded there so you can refer
back to a reading at any time.

Becoming Manifest Transformation: A New Translation of Genesis
Sumerian Creation Myth
The Thunder, Perfect Mind
Dance of Jesus
Astrological Books
Aleister Crowley
Dion Fortune
Sacred Geometry
Isis Books and Gifts, Denver, CO
OVE VON SPAETH's intriguing books on the historical Moses
Alchemy Lab's Table of Alchemy Correspondences
The Qabalah:
The Banners
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP)
Circulation of Light
The Elements
The Paths
Hebraic Letters
Tree of Life
An Ancient Riddle
Fifty Gates of Binah
Resh - The Sun Card
Tau - The Universe Card
Thoughts on the Tetragrammaton