This poem was published with the International Library of Poetry.The book is called "Yesterday & Tomorrow"The poems below were written by Me. You can also find some of my work at , not just poetry but articles as well.
Hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. Come back for new added links and new poems.
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By: Deborah Corkern
This poem was written to my loveing husband David Corkern
My Love

My love for you is as deep as the universe.
That no one can imagine .
Our hearts become one with each passing day.
It's amazing how much you truely know me.
As if you can read my mind.
Your gentle touches,soft kisses,tells me I'm needed in your life.
When you look at me my knees begin to shake.
My heart quivers at the sweet words you whisper in my ear.
As we walk hand in hand, looking up at the stary sky.
Our hearts are warmed with the fullness of love.
When we are together life has new meaning .
We stand strong together for we are now one.
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                           My Poetry

Oh the pain we bare     Thinking of you    Gift of the Morning
Do you have a heart       About me             Do you know
what will destiny be       Together Souls     He has Risen
Our hour of need            As I walk             Suffering Christians

All the poems listed above are not to be copied or used in any way without my written permission.Thank you so much
Deborah Corkern.
God Bless America
My sympothy and Prayers go out to all the ones that have suffered the September 11th tragedy. They will not be forgotten!
Spending time with my children
writing poetry & articles
building my website
love motorcycles
Spending time with that special someone
The meaning of life

Everyone has a reason and place in life. Some of us know what or where they are in life. Some just go through life wondering why they do not know or understand their reason for life. I believe that we are all here for the same purpose to Love one another and help each other along lifes way. There is so much crime and hatred in todays society that we see little of what the caring people give to each and every community. To the ones that have been at the bottom knows there are people out there that really do care. There are many people who have not had to go through abuse, adoption, losing everything you own, drug addiction, mental illness, cancer, muscular distrophy, or any orther major illness or handicap. So it is easy to say that they would not have the understanding of what that person or persons are going through. Unless you put yourselves out into the places where these people reach out for help. Is when then you will have a climpse of understanding.
To make a difference in someones life is really not all that hard. You can give in many different ways that will help people down lifes road. Giving of clothes that you do not wear any longer. When you go to the grocery store and they have a sell on can goods, picking up a few extras, then dropping it off at your local Salvation army, or at any needy organization. Spare time for a child in an adoption agency, giving him or her hope, friendship and love. Giving of fruit baskets to the elderly of your town, or mowing thier lawn for them to save that little extra money. But to me the most important thing in giving is of yourself. Friendship goes a long way in life to someone that is lonely and in despair. A few words to someone can pick thier self -esteem up to make it another day. Are you this type of person that will take the time to show a little extra care to someone in need.? Or are you the type that will carry on with your own daily living, saying I barely have the time to do what I need to do. Just remember one day you may be in the same boat. 
You will need someone there for you, no matter what that need may be . Will someone be there for you if your not there for someone now? I have always heard the expression " What goes around, comes back around." Besides, I get this wonderful feeling seeing the thanks in someones eyes after helping that person. Its almost the greatest feeling I have ever had in my life. So I pray that you are that  caring and giving person that are added into our communities. 

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