Wicca and Witchcraft
Thursday, August 9, 2001
Welcome to My Site!
As you can see i've just redone my site after a very, very long time (oops) and I hope you like everything i've done. I sm posting this site today but I hate to tell you that none of the links will work yet. You can e-mail me and the links to off the site function. Don't worry I'm working on it but unfortuantly I have a job in the real world that seems to want to make me a full timer :) well cheerio till tomorrow!
dialya@hotmail.com | the Book of Shadows
posted by Dialya Firemoon 9:18 AM(PS) |

Wensday, August 8, 2001
Well I accidently deleted my index page so i figured it's time for a new one! The template i'm using comes from Ann-S-Thesia, you can find the link under the link section(and yes it works). I'm still working out the kinks but please bear with me. And for those of you who visit any of my other sites, I'm planning on redoing most of those as well.
Well I'll update you again tomorrow!
posted by Dialya Firemoon 12:40 PM |

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