Lady Rhea 's Castle

You find yourself stumbling through a forest lost and alone. As you look around hoping to find a way out an old man steps out behind one of the trees and walks towards you. He waves his hand in front of your face and for a breif second you see a beautiful garden with many different kinds of mythical animals, but before you can understand all you've seen the image disappears. The old man then says a simple phrase.

      It's all one and the same, you see,
      Where you've been, and where you'll be.
      Understand that, and you'll fly free.
      If Celtic quest is what you seek,
      'T'will take far more then just a peek.
      Awaken your mind, give your brain a tweek;
      Learn and listen...'til next we speak.

When you blink again the old man has vanished and before you lies a trail. You follow it around a bend and you see before you a castle. It looks deserted but upon closer inspection you see there are lights on. Suddenly the castle doors open and a young lady steps out. "Welcome to my castle, I'm Lady Rhea" she says with a soft scottish accent. "You look tired come in and rest."

You enter the castle and around you, you see faries and unicorns, and dragons. "Don't be afraid" Lady Rhea calls to you as she preceeds you into the courtyard. "Feel free to explore my castle and the grounds around it." You glance at a unicorn that moves suddenly to your left and when you turn back around the lady has vanished. You look around then decide to take a tour of the castle.

The Castle

The Library

The Music Vault

Egyptian Stories

The Inner Garden, calm and serene

  • Explore the herb garden

  • Explore the flower garden

  • Gemstones

  • The Raven

  • The Outer Garden, where things are more wild

  • Faries

  • Dragons

  • Unicorns

  • The Tower

  • horoscopes

  • Your Room

  • Dreams

  • My Room

  • links

    Ohh well i'm glad to see that you've rested up. I hope you enjoyed your stay at the castle, feel free to come back anytime.

    You start down the path to wave at Lady Rhea but you see the castle has disapeared and all the remains is a glen.


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