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Mid 70’s (1973-77)
Greater Los Angeles Region BBYO
AZA & BBG Alumni
Virtual Community

The 1999 Reunion was a complete success!

GLA BBYO in the 70s
the Seventies

1970-80 Chronology
The Chapters
Chapter Trivia
The Youth House
Convention Info
Convention 74 Photos
Convention 75 Photos
1975 Regional Rosters
Al Jolson BBG Pics

The Shofar Articles

Our Hangouts
Bob’s Big Boy
Farrell’s Ice Cream

Other Memories
1970s BBYO Poster
BBG Pep Songs
AZA Pep Songs
Seven Cardinal Principles of AZA
Glossary of Terms

GLA BBYOers Today

Alumni Contact List
Reunion 1999
Searching for Alumni
Alumni From the 60s
Friends List
Memories Page
Favorites Page
Other BBYO Sites

Since the 70s
Since The 

The 1990 Reunion
The 1990 Reunion Picnic
The 1980 Reunion
Memorial Page

Links of Interest!
GLA BBYOers Today

The Seventies
LA Today
Jewish Sites
Searching for Folks
Welcome to the Mid 70’s Greater Los Angeles Region B’nai B’rith Youth Organization - AZA and BBG Alumni Virtual Community!

The 1999 Reunion was held the weekend of August 21-22, 1999, at the Furama Hotel in Westchester, California and at Chevron Park in El Segundo. The Planning Committee wants to thank everyone who participated in the party and picnic, and those who helped to make the weekend such a great success.

We still want to collect as many names as possible in order to keep the Virtual Community alive. Please send names, phone numbers and/or addresses of Mid 70’s (1973-77) GLA BBYO members to GLA Reunion c/o Bob Alexander. Information sent to GLA Reunion will not be posted to the Internet unless the individual alumnus desires it.

To clarify and avoid any confusion, there are/were two different reunions planned for the the alumni of GLA BBYO the summer of 1999. Our reunion and website was specifically intended for the alumni of the Mid 70's (1972-77). Our third reunion weekend was great fun with friends you know and remember from AZA & BBG. If you’re interested in the other reunion, information about it can be found at It is intended for the entire decade of the 70's, and is scheduled for Labor Day weekend.

If you want to join the Alumni List, please click here to fill out the form.

Please e-mail comments, suggestions, additional information, and/or links you’d like to add to this web site to GLA Reunion c/o Bob Alexander.

Thanks for stopping by and please visit again and often. You are visitor .

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