Welcome to Shifting Sands
A Collection Of Poetry by Brandyn Sand
All Rights Reserved

Shifting Sands

I longed for gentle words from you,
So gently, it was, I spoke.
I needed to believe in you,
So my word I never broke.
I desired from you your friendship.
Therefore, I became your friend.
I wanted you to trust me
So the truth I did not bend.
When I wished for your devotion,
It was then I gave you mine.
I hadn't many gifts to give,
So I gave to you my time.
I wanted you to stand by me
So my loyalty I gave.
How I desired to be treated,
Is how I did behave.
I needed appreciation,
Your love, support, and time.
But how could I have asked for these...
Before I gave you mine?


ฉ1998 Brandyn Sand

Included in the published anthology
Shades Of Expression
ฉ 2000 by Gerl Publishing

A Smile Changed The World

A smile changed the world,
For it was passed around,
Refreshing scores of thirsty hearts
Like rain on desert ground.

It was given to a mother
Who gave it to her son;
He gave it to his teacher
Before the day was done.

It then restored the confidence
Of one who'd lost his wife;
He gave it to a discouraged cop
And helped him save a life.

It then inspired a poet,
Helped a soldier stop a war,
Brought hope of a brighter future
To the clerk in the corner store.

It helped a hardened felon see
Life was better than it seemed,
Encouraged a man to give his heart
To the woman of his dreams.

She gave it to a despairing wife
Who was bound to an abusive man;
She then discovered the courage
To finally take a stand.

It has given hope to many,
Brought joy to some feeling blue,
Helped others find a hidden strength,
Even saved a life or two.

So where did that smile originate,
The one opening all these doors?
You'll find it in the mirror, my friend,
For that first smile was yours.


ฉ1999 Brandyn Sand

Included in the published anthology
Shades Of Expression
ฉ 2000 by Gerl Publishing

A Gift Of Greatest Value

I have learned through bitter experience,
A true friend is a gift indeed,
A treasure of greatest proportions,
In the time of one's greatest need.

Another truth that's been spoken,
Is that when our lives are done...
Our "friendship success" is soaring
If the number we counted was - one.

For that person will never forsake you,
Throughout times of good or bad.
Your secrets are safely tucked away,
And they listen when you are sad.

Where else can you find such acceptance,
And be loved just for who you are?
A true friend, at times, is the answer
To our wishes upon a star.

So never take them for granted,
Strive to be the best one in the end,
For where else can we find the fortune
That is ours in one we call friend?


ฉ1999 Brandyn Sand


Life is short
Make time for those you love
Tell them what they mean to you




The heart holds dreams, forever it seems,
To have only a few come true
And most of these happen because of reaction
To that which we say and do.

It's hard to conceive that many believe
We needn't fight to gain what is dear.
How quickly it seems we abandon our dreams
While clinging so tight to our fear.

Excuses we make and risks we don't take,
Sometimes thinking our paths are paved.
But in truth we are smitten, our histories written,
By choices we've already made.

When the time comes and our dream is undone,
On the eve of our dismay,
There is only regret when we pause to reflect...
That we allowed it to slip away.


ฉ1999 Brandyn Sand


Take the time
And put forth every effort to make any dream a reality.
There may be only one chance
And only we have the power to deny that for ourselves.
Seize the moment when the opportunity exists.
Don't allow the sand to slip through your fingers.
Regret is too bitter a consequence for lack of vision.


"Where Twilight Touches Dreams"
"Once Upon A Lifetime" "Tribute To A Dying Breed"
"I'll Fly Because I Can" "Dedications"
"Tribute To Engine 60" "Masterpiece"
"If You Believe..." "Haunted"
"Hand In Hand" "A Li'l Humor"
"Thought Of The Day" "Legacy"
"Simple Wishes" "About The Author"
"Too Good To Be True" "It Began With The Moon..."
"Plantation Poetry Forum" "Wild Poetry Forum"

*Unless otherwise noted,
The artwork (and verse) presented here is original.
Feel free to send this page to your friends,
(the whole purpose of my work is to encourage others *smile*)
But please don't copy the contents without asking.
Thanx, and may your day shine!


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