My logo...say hi to Elfie-san!

Greetings, and welcome to ElfWorks Studios!

**Last Updated: 2/3/2001**

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I'm your host, Elfie-san!

*the crowd goes wild!*

Ahem, ahem. Yes, friends, my webpage is finally up. Here you'll find my gallery of art, including pictures of my original characters, fan characters, and other people's characters. And elves. LOTS of elves! After all, they don't call me Elfie-san for nothing, ne?

Eventually, there will also be stories, character biographies, a biography so you can find out about me, and whatever else my hyperactive imagination can come up with. In the meantime, enjoy, and check back often!


Oi!! I just set up a new format for a possible business webpage! Go there and let me know how you like it! Thanks!

Click below to view my art...


Or check out some of the other fun stuff!

About Me

Stories In Progress



Post a Message in My Message Board!

Or, if the MB isn't working or you just want to contact me another way, e-mail me at: No spamming, forwards, or advertisements of any sort, please. They will be deleted, and you will be blocked. Thank you!

And that's it. Please read the legal gook at the bottom of the page.

Legal Gook:These pages, including all drawings and writing therein, are © Amanda Wilson unless otherwise noted. They are not to be redistributed or altered without written permission from ME. A lot of hard work went into this page; please don't steal. Thank you.