Welcome, Welcome to Judy Harper's GeorgiaMom's Home Page
Live Life, each and every day!  Life is a gift, don't keep it all wrapped up inside you,
unwrap it and embrace it!
Jason Green Fuller
  (1973 - 1987)
click here to go to
Jason's Honor page

Send me an e-mail to: jharper@esd.uga.edu

JOIN the Million Mom March

MMM Link

My life was blessed with two sons;
Eddie and Jason
Jason became a handgun statistic in 1987!
Eddie became a father in 1999.

Tom Golden was instrumental in
providing a "grief" page. 
Be sure to stop by his site at
Tom Golden's Healing Page
     Here are several links to visit regarding the work I have done
       over the years since Jason's death:  
For my Bio document click here.

www.pax.com "ASK - Asking Saves Kids Program"
  4) UGA News article
    Founding member of the Million Mom March - May 14, 2000 - Washington DC
    I'm a member of the Atlanta Metro Chapter (Georgia

First grandson, 11/24/99
Ethan Jackson Fuller
Second grandson,  9/27/01
Nathaniel Jacob Fuller
Nathaniel's Page
Ethan's Page
Eddie and Sarah

Eddie and Sarah were married on June 26, 1998.

Eddie my first born son successfully defended his 
Ph.D. in math (11/19/99) at the University of Georgia!

Eddie is teaching at math at West Virginia University.
They bought their first home in Morgantown, WV
where I visit as often as I can!

     Bill and Judy
   I married Bill Harper  9/4/92.
   Bill has brought my life love,
    joy and wholeness!

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