Welcome to my art Gallery. I'm not selling my artwork, so don't ask
if you can buy any, because you can't. Most of this artwork has
been sitting around for years. Now that I finished my BA I will try
to make some new stuff and post that, I'm a couple years behind.
These Images are copyrighted according to when I put them up.
Thanks for stopping by, be sure to check in again!

Here are Some Ground Rules:
#1. *PLEASE* Don't steal anything!
These things are copyrighted and private property.
#2. Enjoy

Follow the link below to go to the gallery of artwork.

Enter The Gallery

Some Backgrounds and Graphics From The Tomb Of The Chihauhau Pharohs

The History of This Website

I started this site when I first got the internet, circa 8th grade.
Hence the silly princess name. It started out with crappy poetry I
had written about boys and god-knows-what. But, eventually, it became
so embarrasing that I took it down and started the Artwork Page, circa
Mid-Highschool. In my first semester of College, I took my first photo
class. Unfortunately, when I transfered to a University from a JC and
took up Anthropology in the gruelling quarter system, I was left with
very little free time. Which in turn created the drought of art and
poetry that has been the last 2 years or so. But in these years I have
collected alot of material, artistically speaking, and plan a creative
venture in the near future. My most recent photography can be
viewed at Silversword Multimedia in the Online Proofing Gallery.
My shots are mixed in with the work of two other photographers, but most
Of the girls preparation shots from the first 6 weddings are mine. Thanks
for stopping by, hopefully there will be something new and exciting here soon!