Searching For Count Saint-Germain

UPDATED January 15, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The purpose of this page is to find Count de Saint-Germain, the 18th century alchemist. Any visitor who reads this and has any contact with Count de Saint-Germain, please send word to him that I am searching for him. Thank You Readers.

I'm Josephine. Welcome to my home.
Please take a seat and have a cup of coffee.
I have a great love of the 17th and 18th centuries. I also like alchemey and metaphysical studies. Therefore I am going to devote this page to finding my hero Count Saint-Germain the 18th century alchemist. I firmly belive Count Saint-Germain is still alive and if he is not on this earthly plain then he is able to appear on this plain at will. I want to make it clear I do NOT believe in the ramblings of Elizabeth Claire Prophet nor do I take the IM Socicety seriously. I also feel the Count would be insulted by Chelsea Quin Yarbro attempting to make him into a vampire. That was just wrong!
I have wanted to meet Count Saint-Germain since childhood when I first heard about him. I know sir, if you are out there you must be very busy helping the world and it's people. I also wondered how would you notice me? Well a webapage isn't the most proper form of address but it is something that can be seen from almost anywhere in the world.I've made the page as pretty as possible.
I need help. If you would help me I think I could help others in turn and make the world a better place. Kind of like a domino effect. I am not going to include my email or where abouts here on this page. I know you will know how to find me without that information.
Yours Truely,

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This picture is ©copyright by Josephine
Updated December 10, 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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