Glad you could make it.

The Blue October is just around the bend.

Before you enter however, I have to make you aware of some things;

  • This website simply is not compatible with Netscape. Sorry.

  • This website is best viewed with a resolution of 1024x768.

  • If your resolution is 800x600, you'll need to hit f11 to view it properly.

  • Actually, unless you use 1280x1024, I suggest hitting f11 anyway. :-)

(for those who don't know, hitting F11 will put your browser into fullscreen mode. If you use Neoplanet, it's F10.)
  • This site uses frames, and I don't have the patience to have two separate versions of a site. so there.

  • See the chick to the right? That's Billie. She'll beat you senseless if you do anything you shouldn't. She'll come to you in the dark of some terrible night and bring with her a pointy reckoning that will shudder you.  And you know she can do it. Just look at her.

  • All the work on this site, unless otherwise noted, was made by myself and is my own property. So look, but don't touch.

  • Some of the artistic images contain nudity. Mind you, this is computer-generated nudity, not actual people, and the nudity is not sexual in any way, it's just art.

  • That's all I have to say.

  • Enjoy yourself. Be Good. Eat your vegetables.

come inside