Hi My name is Jack.
I signed up on 07/22/98 14:22:13 I'm always working on my page, so I hope you come back often if you like what you see. I plan to put my profile, pics of me and my daughter, a few friends, and some fun links I have found. Be sure to go to my trips page as I update that a lot. As you can tell by my weather thingy on the top of my page, I'm a weather nut. I always like watching thunderstorms. Hell, I'll drop anything I'm doing when one comes along. Also I play alot of pool. This year I'm just a co-captain of my team and look forward to a good season. The past 5 seasons we got to the semi-finals in playoffs, this year, who knows I plan on putting a team picture on here, if I can get them all together in one spot !!.
I'm a 47 year old man, (6/8/56) with a 15 year old daughter born on 4/5/88. I got remarried to a wonderful woman on 02/02/02. Her name is Beverly. I work in a paper mill in Quality Control. I work in the lab testing paper, hey, someone has to do it!!! Swing shift, sometimes long hours and also weekends occasionally, but lately it seems always. Working swing shift is like riding a merry-go-round, it's not for everybody, you never get used to it, but after 17 years, you learn to live with it. After all, it does pay the bills. Not all of them, but most of them!! lol. A picture of my wife is is on my friends and family page, Beverly, She is a real sweet person and good to and for me. We are so much alike it's scary !
Email me at nimbus56NOSPAM@rcn.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me. I can be reached on AOL instant messenger at nimbus56, or on ICQ number 11148156
Yell for me sometime!!
Where Are all the Bumpkin lovers in the world???.
"This is my little clown"
this was 1993 at Christmas time, she was five at the time
E-mail me!

Here is my picture! It was just taken on 11/11/99 with my new digital camera so look forward to more pics soon !!

family, and my daughter!!!

Video Poker! and My profile and opinions under constuction

pool team mates,