Dr. A.J. Santangelo's Home
Dr. A.J. Santangelo

June 30, 1909-July 4,1985
UPDATED january 15, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will leave this message up so the visiting family can see it.
This page is for and about my grandfather, Dr. A.J. Santangelo.
He was born in New Orleans, Louisiana early in the century, where his parents and grandparents had relocated to from Sicily.
Grandpa spoke both English and Italian equally well. The majority of this page will concern his return to Italy , where he studied to become a neuro- phyciatrist at the Univeristy of Rome , in the 1930's and 40's. My grandfather led a fasinating life.
Coming Soon:
Pictures of 1930's and 40's Italy.
Stories from Grandpa's life
Pictures of Grandpa at home with his family
Newspaper articles on Grandpa
Please come and visit again.
This page plays the godfather theme song because it was one of my grandfathers favorites.
I am sure grandpa would be very sad about America's recent tragedies. He was a brave man and lived through impoverished conditions in Italy during the 1940s.
I hope to be as brave as him during these times.
This page was born August 9, 1998
Last Updated December 10, 2007
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