This site is currently under construction. If you are a tenant of Sherwood Forest, but find you have no button on this site, please email me at:, and I will add you as soon as possible. Thank you.

I am Lady Marian, Lady of Sherwood Forest and of the Castle of Nottingham. I have developed this website to coincide with the channel #SherwoodForest on Chat Family {{located on,7000}}.
In Sherwood Forest and The Castle of Nottingham, we have several interesting characters, all of which are listed within the links below. These residents of Sherwood range from Slaves, to Knights and Ladies, to Wizards and Witches. We are a fun loving crowd for the most part, although we do not take kindly to harrasement or mockery of any sort. Some of us can be on the sarcastic side, and there are even a few that can be downright unkind, but, if you choose to venture into the Forest please remember to take nothing said to {{or about}} you seriously. Just play along...we love new playmates...**smile**
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to enter the Forest, since April 5, 1998.
Last updated on Sunday, April 5, 1998 by Lady Marian
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