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Welcome to the official page of the
French Department of Pembroke Academy! Here some links to the France related sites on the Internet, some might be out ouf date. We're working on updating them all: Major links|Popular and New Links|News Sites|Cultural Topics| Education |EveryDay LifeCities and Regions| Francophone Countries| Government and History| Language and Linguistics| Keypal Sources| Kid Pages|Literature| Search Engines |
- The French Revolution
- Student project on the French Revolution par excellence.
- OU CALL...French
- http://www.tcom.ohiou.edu/OU_Language/lang-french.html
- ClicNet
- http://www.swarthmore.edu/Humanities/clicnet/....Major link page maintained by Swarthmore College
- French Places in Webspace
- http://www.acs.appstate.edu/dept/fll/french.html
- Ressources francaises
- http://www.acs.appstate.edu/~griffinw/website/freplaces.html....Major link page maintained by Appalachian State University
- Quartier francais du Village planetaire
- http://www.urich.edu/~jpaulsen/gvfrench.html....By the University of Richmond
- Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links
- http://www.utm.edu/departments/french/french.html
- Dave's French Links
- http://mars.utm.edu/~davagatw/french/....A searchable index of Tennessee Bob's French links
- Univ of Toledo French Bookmarks
- http://www.forlang.utoledo.edu/BOOKMARK/BookmarkFRN.html....Major French/francophone links page
- Yahoo's Hotlist France list
- http://www.yahoo.com/Regional_Information/Countries/France
- Les Bonnes Addresses de l'AATF
- http://www.utsa.edu/aatf/aatf_lin.html
- Explorateur Culturel
- http://ottawa.ambafrance.org/
- Centre Culturel Virtuel
- http://france.lang.uiuc.edu/ccv/....Gateway to information about France and Francophonie from the University of Illinois.
- France Pratique
- France Pratique provides interesting cultural references. Be sure to look under "argent".
- Ministere des Affaires etrangeres
- http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/.... Lots of cultural information - history, politics, modern life, more
- French Language Sites
- http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/lss/lang/french.html....Maintained by Lauren Rosen.
- Communication Connections
- http://www.widomaker.com/~ldprice/
- Volterre-Fr: English & French Language Resources
- http://www.wfi.fr:80/volterre/
- YellowWeb Europe Directory
- http://www.yweb.com/home-fr.html
- Le Trouv'tout
- http://www2.ccim.be/
- GuideInternet
- http://www.indexa.fr/
- France.com
- http://www.france.com/home.html
- La Page de l'Hexagone
- http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/~agl1/Hexagone.html#LANGUE
- Les Carnets de Route
- http://www.francenet.fr/franceweb/FWCarnetRoute.html
- La Francophonie
- http://www.cam.org/~favrelp/index.html
- Le Coin des Francophones et autres Grenouilles
- http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/~agl1/grenouille/Welcome.html
- Chambres de Commerce en France
- http://fmc.utm.edu/~rpeckham/CCI.HTM
- Sympatico
- http://www2.sympatico.ca:80/accueil
- Les Pointeurs - Francomedia
- http://www.francomedia.qc.ca/links.html
- French Links
- http://www.isu.edu/~nickcrai/frenlinx.html
- Atout Micro-Selection de Sites Web
- http://www.atoutmicro.ca/meilleur.htm
- Classement des serveurs francais par themes
- http://www.urec.fr/France/Classement/Themes/serveurs_par_themes.html
- French main page @ Lehman, CUNY
- http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/depts/langlit/pages/fre.htm
- Careers
- http://fmc.utm.edu/~rpeckham/GLOBEG.HTM
- Les Webs d'Or - Printemps/Ete 96
- http://www.france.com/webdor/printemps96/sites.html
- Les Webs d'Or - Hiver 95
- http://www.france.com/webdor/allcat.html
- Top 10*10 sites
- http://www.adminet.com/Top10x10/....Top ten sites in ten different categories. Maintained by AdmiNet, the French government server.
- Branchez-vous!
- http://www.branchez-vous.com/....For weekly updates of new francophone sites, click "Cette semaine" under the "HyperNouveau" section.
Read Pastor Pete's blog at the River's edge
- Le vin nouveau
- Discussion et traitement du réveil chrétien mondial et ses diverses manifestations. Qu'est-ce qui se passe à Toronto, CA, à Pensacola, FL USA, et à Macon, FR? Version anglaise. À paraître, version française.
- Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace
- http://www.sdv.fr/dna/index.html....Great daily on-line edition!
- Revue de la Presse Francaise
- http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/cgi-bin/go_doc.pl?type=revue&cible=du_jour.html
- Actualites
- http://www.tcom.ohiou.edu/OU_Language/actualites.html....Link page to various news sources. Sponsored by Ohio University
- Derniere Minute de MagNet
- http://www.pratique.fr/mag/index.html
- La Presse Canadienne
- http://www.canpress/Autonews/resume.htm
- Le Matin (Quebec)
- http://www.matin.qc.ca/
- L'Eveil Hebdo - Marseille
- http://www.integra.fr/marseille/eveilsom.html
- La Voix du Nord
- http://www.edelweb.fr/Guests/VoixduNord/
- Lyon Capitale
- http://www.lyoncapitale.com/....Magazine on Lyon
- Nice-Matin
- http://www.nicematin.fr/
- http://www.elle.fr/
- FRANCE Magazine
- http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/label_france/label.html
- Le Monde Diplomatique
- http://www.ina.fr/CP/MondeDiplo/mondediplo.fr.html
- Le Journal des enfants
- http://www.jde.fr/
- Le Mag de France.com
- http://www.france.com:80/mag/index.html
- MagNet
- http://www.pratique.fr:80/magnet/index.html
- The Tocqueville Connection
- http://www.AdeTocqueville.com/
- France Info - Audio clips
- http://www.radio-france.fr/france-info/
- Voice of America
- gopher://gopher.voa.gov:70/11/audio....Audio clips in various languages, updated frequently.
- Calendar of (French) events in Washington, D.C. area
- http://www.france.com/mag/agenda/washingt.html
- La culture
- http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/france/edu/culture.html
- Ministere de la Culture (France)
- http://mistral.culture.fr/
- Treasures from the Bibliotheque nationale de France
- http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/bnf/bnf0001.html....Library of Congress exhibit: "Creating French Culture: Treasures from the Bibliotheque nationale de France." Combines historical information with extensive images
- Art & Special Image Exhibits links
- http://www.utm.edu/departments/french/french.html#art....From Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links.
- Le Louvre
- http://www.louvre.fr
- Les Musees
- http://www.pratique.fr/net/culture/musees.html
- Peinture
- http://www.pratique.fr/net/culture/peinture.html
- Cinema
- http://www.tcom.ohiou.edu/OU_Language/cinema.html
- France Cinema Multimedia
- http://www.imaginet.fr/fcm/
- Premiere, le magazine du cinéma
- http://www.premiere.fr/
- Sympatico: Films
- http://www2.sympatico.ca/Sommaire/Loisirs/films.html
- Sympatico: Musique
- http://www2.sympatico.ca/Sommaire/Loisirs/musique.html
- French Music Database
- http://www.sirius.com/~alee/fmusic1.html
- NetMusik
- http://www.netmusik.com/
- The Contemporary Music Documentation Center
Liens musicaux- http://www.netmusik.com/liens/
- AdmiNet-France - About Education
- http://www.adminet.com/min/edu/
- Education in France
- http://cri.ensmp.fr/mesr/N0_Fond.html
- Education (Menu)
- http://www.pratique.fr/educ/....From France Pratique
- Etudes
- http://www.pratique.fr/net/education/etudes.html
- EDUTEL - Ministere de l'Education Nationale
- http://www.edutel.fr/
- L'education et la formation
- http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/france/edu/educ.html
- Education in Luxembourg
- http://www.restena.lu/other/educ_servers.html
- Rescol canadien - Canada's SchoolNet
- http://www.rescol.ca/
- Classes Enseignement Général
- http://CyberScol.qc.ca/Admin/CLASSES.html....Offers links to alphabetical subject-specific resource lists, by Cyberscol.
- Cafe des Jeunes
- http://www.urich.edu/~jpaulsen/cafe.html....Links to lots of French and French-speaking schools' home pages.
- Elementary school of Steinsel (Luxemburg)
- http://www.restena.lu/primaire/steinsel/steinsel.html
- Lycée International de Ferney-Voltaire
- http://www.ferney.ac-lyon.fr/
- Le College Louis-Riel
- http://www.dsfm.mb.ca/clr/lr.html
- Conges scolaires
- http://www.adminet.com/min/edu/conges.html
- Animaux
- http://www.francomedia.qc.ca/animaux.html
- Clinique vétérinaire
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/CENTERCLINIC....Renseignements sur les animaux de sports et de compagnie.
- Les auto-ecoles
- http://www.pratique.fr/vieprat/trans/auto/daf2801.htm
- Permis de conduire
- http://www.pratique.fr/vieprat/trans/auto/daf2802.htm
- Site Officiel Renault F1
- http://www.renaultF1.com/indexfr.html
- Transports
- http://www.pratique.fr/vieprat/trans/...Check out the "Automobile" section for lots of info on driving in France.
- La Mode sur Internet
- http://www.pratique.fr/net/culture/mode.html
- Bande dessinee
- http://www.pratique.fr/net/culture/litterature/bd.html
- BD Zone
- http://w3imagis.imag.fr/Membres/Stephane.Riviere/bd/bd.html
- A la decouverte de Tintin
- http://www.tintin.qc.ca/
- Famille
- http://www.pratique.fr/vieprat/fam/...Governmental nformation and regulations relating to marriage, children and family life.
- Boire Manger
- http://www.francenet.fr/franceweb/Pra/praboire&manger.html
- Forme Sante
- http://www.pratique.fr/sante/
- Sympatico - Health
- http://www2.sympatico.ca/Sommaire/Sante/
- Information on Military Service
- http://www.pratique.fr/vieprat/dem/...Information on the obligatory "Service national."
- Argent
- http://www.pratique.fr/argent/
- Sympatico: Radio
- http://www2.sympatico.ca/Sommaire/Loisirs/radio.html
- Radio sites
- http://www.swarthmore.edu/Humanities/clicnet/radio.html
- Radio France Homepage
- http://www.radio-france.fr/
- http://www.europe2.atlantel.fr/
- Voice of America
- gopher://gopher.voa.gov:70/11/audio....Audio clips in various languages, updated frequently.
- France Info - Audio clips
- http://www.radio-france.fr/france-info/
- Sports
- http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/~agl1/grenouille/sport.html....Links to lots of sports.
- Tour de France '96
- http://www.worldmedia.fr/tour/
- Sympatico: les Jeux Olympiques
- http://www2.sympatico.ca:80/Special/Olympiques/ Olympics site from Canada
Sympatico: Sports- http://www2.sympatico.ca/Sommaire/Sports/
- EuroTV : Select a Channel
- http://www.eurotv.com/eutvprog.htm
- Adminet - T.V.
- http://www.adminet.com/press/#tv
- French TV available in Washington area
- http://www.france.com/mag/agenda/washingt.html
- France-TV Magazine
- http://www.umbc.edu/France-TV.... Home page of the group that distributes the France-TV Magazine series seen here in the U.S.
- Television Suisse Romande TSR
- http://www.tsr.srg-ssr.ch/
- Canadian Television
- http://www2.sympatico.ca/Sommaire/Loisirs/television.html
- TV5 - Canada
- http://www.tv5.ca/
- Meteo-France
- http://www.meteo.fr/temps
- La meteorologie - Region du Quebec
- http://www.wul.qc.doe.ca/meteo/index.html
- Montreal Weather
- http://www.wul.qc.doe.ca/meteo/prev/public/Montreal.html
- Emploi-Travail
- http://www.pratique.fr/vieprat/emploi/....Official regulations related to working, retirement, unemployment and more
- City.Net
- http://www.city.net/....Gateway site to information on MANY cities around the world.
- Carte de France
- http://www.urec.fr/France/....Clickable map of France with links to regions and cities.
- Discover France
- http://www.france.com/francescape/regions/discover.html
- French Travel Gallery
- http://www.bonjour.com/wta/
- Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace
- http://www.sdv.fr/dna/index.html....Great daily on-line edition!
- Nice-Matin
- http://www.nicematin.fr/
- Versailles
- http://www.urich.edu/~jpaulsen/versail1.html
- Les Pages de Paris / The Paris Pages
- http://www.paris.org/
- P@riscope
- http://pariscope.fr/
- Paris Interactive
- http://www.paris.org/parisF.html
- Metropole - Paris
- http://www.wfi.fr/metropole/
- La Culture et Paris
- http://www.pratique.fr/net/culture/parisi.html
- Tourism & Travel in Paris
- http://www.bonjour.com/wta/France/paris.html
- Les Champs Elysees Virtuels
- http://www.iway.fr/champs_elysees/index.html
- L'Afrique Francophone Virtuelle
- http://mars.utm.edu/~davagatw/french/vftourist/vftourist.africa.html
- AdmiNet - Africa
- http://www.adminet.com/africa/
- Pays africains francophones et les reseaux
- http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/~agl1/grenouille/afrique.html
- http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/depts/langlit/french/afrique.html
- Belgium: Overview
- http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/BelgCul.html....Information (in English) on Belgium plus LOTS of Belgian links
- Belgian WWW resource map
- http://info1.vub.ac.be:8080/Belgium_map/
- Belgian Government
- http://belgium.fgov.be/
- La Belgique
- http://www.ib.be/euroj/cee/francais/mieux/pays/belgique.html
- En Belgique
- http://www.ib.be/euroj/cee/francais/voyager/vacances/enbelgiq.html
- WebRider - Belgian Search Engine
- http://www.webrider.be/
- Belgian Sites (by category)
- http://www.syselog.fr/eurolink/home.html#Belgique
- Radio Belche
- http://www.cediti.be/RadioBelche/
- La vitrine mondiale de la Wallonie
- http://www.wallonie.com/
- Canadiana -- la page des ressources canadiennes
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/clamen/misc/Canadiana/LISEZ.html
- Canadian Resources
- http://www.acs.appstate.edu/dept/fll/travel.html
- La Toile du Quebec
- http://www.toile.qc.ca/
- http://www.rbmulti.nb.ca/acadie/acadie.htm
- Rescol canadien - Canada's SchoolNet
- http://www.rescol.ca/
- FRANCO: la page francophone universitaire
- http://www.ualberta.ca/~fmillar/franco.html
- Francophonie Touristique - Montreal
- http://fmc.utm.edu/~rpeckham/Montreal.html
- Region de Montreal
- http://www2.sympatico.ca:80/Sommaire/Pres_de_chez_vous/PQ/montreal.html
- Region de Quebec
- http://www2.sympatico.ca:80/Sommaire/Pres_de_chez_vous/PQ/quebec_ville.html
- Salon Quebecois
- http://www.lava.net/~quebec/
- Quebec (province)
- http://www2.sympatico.ca:80/Sommaire/Pres_de_chez_vous/PQ/quebec_ville.html
- Le Matin (Quebec)
- http://www.matin.qc.ca/
- Office de la langue francaise
- http://www.olf.gouv.qc.ca/
- Canada411
- http://canada411.sympatico.ca/ Canadian business phone directory
- The Unofficial Haitian Home Page
- http://www.primenet.com/~rafreid/fr1.html
- Info Louisiana: Main Page
- http://www.state.la.us/
- Allons en Louisiane
- http://www.cajunews.com/ Internet magazine on Louisiana
- Louisiana Lingo
- http://www.NewOrleansLA.com
- New Orleans CityLink
- http://www.neosoft.com/citylink/new-orleans/default.html
- NewOrleans.com Homepage
- http://www.neworleans.com/
- Virtually New Orleans
- http://yatcom.com/neworl/vno.html
- The Official New Orleans Mardi Gras Home Page
- http://www.mardigrasday.com/default.html....LOTS of info on Mardi Gras in New Orleans
- Home Page for Luxembourg
- http://www.restena.lu/other/luxservers.html
- Luxembourg WWW
- http://www.restena.lu/other/wwwservers.html
- World-Wide Web servers: Luxembourg
- http://www.w3.org/pub/DataSources/WWW/lu.html
- Ministere de la Culture
- http://www.men.lu/MCulture/MCulture.html
- Elementary school of Steinsel (Luxemburg)
- http://www.restena.lu/primaire/steinsel/steinsel.html
- Monaco Guide
- http://www.monaco.mc/monaco/fr/index.html
- http://www.monaco.mc/
- Monaco Actualite
- http://www.monaco.mc/actualite/index.html....Not up-to-date but of interest.
- Association des Jeunes Monegasques
- http://www.monaco.mc/assoc/ajm/index.html
- Welcome to Switzerland
- http://heiwww.unige.ch/switzerland/....Clickable map of Switzerland with links to cities.
- Information about Switzerland
- http://www.ethz.ch/swiss/Switzerland_Info.html
- Swiss links
- http://www.syselog.fr/eurolink/home.html#Suisse
- Television Suisse Romande TSR
- http://www.tsr.srg-ssr.ch/
- AdmiNet : the French connection
- http://www.adminet.com/index_fr.html....Very developed French government site
- French Embassy in Ottawa, Canada
- http://www.amba-ottawa.fr
- French Embassy in Washington, D.C.
- http://www.info-france.org/
- Informations Consulaires
- http://www.france.com:80/consulat/index.html....From the French Embassy in Los Angeles.
- Politique et Societe
- http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/~agl1/grenouille/frpolsoc.html
- Ressources W3 - Civilisation francaise
- http://www.urich.edu/~jpaulsen/civfrw3.html....Great links from Janice B. Paulsen, University of Richmond
- Serveur France diplomatie
- http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/
- Treasures from the Bibliotheque nationale de France
- http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/bnf/bnf0001.html....Library of Congress exhibit: "Creating French Culture: Treasures from the Bibliothèque nationale de France." Combines historical information with extensive images
- English-French computer dictionary
- http://www.css.qmw.ac.uk/foreign/eng-french.html
- Computer terms in French and English
- http://www.olf.gouv.qc.ca/service/pages/p10ca.html
- NETGLOS - English
- http://wwli.com/translation/netglos/glossary/glossary.html#WWW
- NETGLOS - français
- http://wwli.com/translation/netglos/glossary/french.html
- Apprenez le français avec Internet
- http://www.swarthmore.edu/Humanities/clicnet/fle.html
- Useful Vocabulary for Literary Criticism
- http://www.acs.appstate.edu/dept/fll/fre_critical_vocab.html
- Pronunciation
- http://www.et.byu.edu/~harmanr/fpg.html
- Cours de phonetique
- http://www.unil.ch/ling/phonetique/api.html
- History of the French Language
- http://www.acs.appstate.edu/dept/fll/histoflang_overview1.html
- Francais pour Voyageurs
- http://www.travlang.com/languages/cgi-bin/langchoice.cgi?page=main&lang1=english&lang2=french
- Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections
- http://www.stolaf.edu/network/iecc/
- Correspondants francophones
- http://www.imaginet.fr/momes/Amis.html
- Sites interessants pour les jeunes
- http://schoolnet2.carleton.ca/francais/adm/orientation/accroche-toi/sites/index.html
- Strictement interdit aux adultes
- http://www2.sympatico.ca/Sommaire/Strictement_interdit_aux_adultes/
- Premiers Pas sur Internet
- http://www.imaginet.fr/momes/
- FRANCO pour momes
- http://www.ualberta.ca/~fmillar/mome.html
- Pour les petits...
- http://www.quebectel.com/gt/BG00fr.htm
- Musee des Enfants
- http://www.cmcc.muse.digital.ca/cmc/cmcfra/cmfra.html
- Le Journal des enfants
- http://www.jde.fr/
- Elementary school of Steinsel (Luxemburg)
- http://www.restena.lu/primaire/steinsel/steinsel.html
- Contes pour tous
- http://www.cam.org/~geln157/contes/contes.html
- Emissions jeunesse de la Societe Radio-Canada
- http://www.src-mtl.com/tv/jeunes/index.html
- ARTFL Project
- http://humanities.uchicago.edu/ARTFL/ARTFL.html
- Association des Bibliophiles Universels
- http://cedric.cnam.fr/ABU/....Complete texts to download!
- Carrie: French Literature
- http://history.cc.ukans.edu/carrie/stacks/french_main.html
- Dave's French Links: Literature
- http://mars.utm.edu/~davagatw/french/lit/
- Florilege : Sommaire
- http://www.ambafrance.org/FLORILEGE/
- Francophone Libraries
- http://fllc.smu.edu/frlib/francophonelib.html
- La Cite des livres
- http://www.france.com:80/boutique/lacite/index.html.... French bookstore in Los Angeles.
- Literature Links
- http://www.pratique.fr/net/culture/litterature/
- Litterature francophone virtuelle
- http://www.swarthmore.edu/Humanities/clicnet/litterature/litterature.html
- Petites Annonces de France.com
- http://www.france.com/mag/annonces/index.html
- Ecila: Moteur de Recherche
- http://ecila.ceic.com/
- Francite
- http://www.i3d.qc.ca/
- MegaFrancite
- http://www.i3d.qc.ca/mega.htm....Searches simultaneously on your choice of up to 4 search engines.
- Lokace
- http://lokace.iplus.fr/
- Nomade
- http://www.nomade.fr/....Francophone search engine
- Quebec net / Page de recherche
- http://www.quebec.net/services/netsearch/index.html....Search engines index
- La Toile du Quebec
- http://www.toile.qc.ca/
- WebRider - Belgian Search Engine
- http://www.webrider.be/
- Swiss search engine via Eurolink
- http://www.syselog.fr/eurolink/home.html#Suisse
- Le Trouv'tout
- http://www2.ccim.be/
- Recherche dans l'annuaire des serveurs français
- http://www.urec.fr/France/webindex.cgi
- Eurolink
- http://www.syselog.fr/eurolink/
- Carrefour
- http://carrefour.net/....For searches in Canada, France, Belgium and Switzerland
- Muscat
- http://www.muscat.co.uk/....Search engine for many European countries
- YellowWeb Europe Directory
- http://www.yweb.com/home-fr.html
- WhoWhere.com - French version
- http://www.whowhere.com...To search e-mail addresses, phone numbers and companies
- Cartes & Tourisme
- http://france.lang.uiuc.edu/ccv/french/tourisme.html
- Francescape
- http://www.france.com/francescape/top.html
- Informations pratiques
- http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/infopra/index.html
- Le voyage en train
- http://www.pratique.fr/vieprat/trans/rail/daf2902.htm
- Practical Information for Travel in France
- http://www.acs.appstate.edu/dept/fll/travel.html
- Tourism & Travel in Paris
- http://www.bonjour.com/wta/France/paris.html
- http://www.123france.com/#France
- Accroche-toi!
- http://schoolnet2.carleton.ca/francais/adm/orientation/accroche-toi/
- Cafe des Jeunes
- http://www.urich.edu/~jpaulsen/cafe.html.... From "Le Quartier francais du Village planetaire" from the University of Richmond.
- Bibliothèque publique d'information
- http://www.bpi.fr/
- Calendar of (French) events in Washington, D.C. area
- http://www.france.com/mag/agenda/washingt.html
- Coca Cola in France
- http://www.coca-cola.fr/
- Foreign Exchange Rates: United States Dollar - French Franc
- http://www.dna.lth.se/cgi-bin/kurt/rates/?USD+FRF
- Free sample of some French magazine/newspapers
- http://www.france.com/surprise.html
- L'Universite de Californie a Berkeley
- http://www.itp.berkeley.edu/french/main.html....Project created by first-year French students in which they show and describe their university.
- La Cite des livres
- http://www.france.com:80/boutique/lacite/index.html....French bookstore in Los Angeles.
- La Marseillaise
- http://www.adminet.com/marseillaise.html
- Les Pages Jaunes Francophones aux Etats Units
- http://www.france.com/pages_jaunes/index.html
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