Welcome to Dana & Joy's Home

Joy, our first. 53k

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Last updated 05-05-2001Viewing optimized for Netscape/Unix

Thanks for stopping off at our web site. You will see a slice of part of our lives... my daughter Joy, our boy Harley the 2nd, our little girl Sophia, and Joy's cat Angel...and more.

We are truly blessed with all that we have. We thank God each day for all his blessings.

Me...I was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia. I enjoy sports and the great outdoors. We spend much of our time sailing a Nacra 5.2 racing catamaran, flying a Piper Cub replica,and walking or jogging in the parks. After our time together, sports and friends, our house gets the rest of the time. I work for a large companies on computer systems.
Computers...computers and good bennifits.

Joy Victoria is now 6 years old. She was born January 27th 2001. She was 6lbs 3 oz and 19" long. God blessed us with a health baby.

Harley is a 8 year old Fawn Great Dane. He stands 6'3" and weighs 140 lbs. He is well trained to verbal and hand commands. His favorite past time is marking. After about 4 years from his passing, we now have Harley the 2nd. He too is a Fawn Great Dane.

Dana 34K
Harley hit 8' at 9 months of age, now he can hit about 10' Photo of Harley Flying 52K
Photo of Harley 68K
GQ dressed 45K
Fut ## Hitting the big 40. 22K

Family interest

After years of looking, we found our second home.

Our second home, Sewell Mill Baptist Church.Our second home, Sewell Mill Baptist Church.

Links to other sites on the Web

Georgia Sport Flyers
East Atlanta Flyers
Performance Catamarans
Southeastern Trials Riders Association STRA
Trials Action

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© 1997 bam_bam_dana@hotmail.com

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