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If I were writing about myself
(May 1996, updated October 2001)
If I had to explain myself
I would write a poem
I would not tell me age
For it does not matter
Nor would I say I have
Long curly brown hair
Nor would I say I have
Brown eyes, with a hint of green
But I would say I have
Long brown eyelashes
That hit my librarian style reading glasses
I would tell that sometiems I can be shy
But once I begin talking it's hard to stop me
I would explain my passion for
Books.  I love to read
I lose myself in books
But I like to live my own life too
If I were telling you who I am
I might say I loved to dress up
And Imagine
My imagination takes me to worlds
Far and near, and places
Here and there
I might say I am a hopeless romantic
Because I am
I might say I am innocent
I might say I am knowledgable about the world
Because I
might be both
I could mention that I go out to bars
I could mantion that I'm a teacher
If I were telling you who I am
I could say all this
Or I could not
I could  hand you a piece of blank paper
The City of Angels
Where I am the only angel...
About Me
More Poetry
My childhood sweetheart: Lela
My childhood sweetheart: Syrus
Page for Momma
Fridge Magnets
Unlikely sensual play
sexy and satisfying woman
sober freak
remember red kiss
Drink down a straight man
laugh and love
sensational in bed
hot like morning
touch spicy lips
Share a special dance
say "yes"