Faye aka "Ladysnow's" Homepage


"Our Photo Album"

Hi! I'm Ladysnow or as some know me "Faye," and this is my "special" friend "Paul." Welcome to my homepage! I'm a mother of two from Pennsylvania. And I absulutely LOVE the snow!

Ladysnow is my Indian name. I'm part Cherokee Indian and proud to be learning at the wonderful age of 39, about my Indian heritage. It's bringing new meaning and spirit into my life; as well as many other new and unexpected blessings. I just put up two new pages dedicated not just to Cherokee Indians, but celebrating Indians everywhere. Please take a look at it. It has wonderful pictures for your enjoyment, and I believe you will be surprised!

I've been writing poems since I was a small child and am now a published poet. Below are links to some of the poetry and short stories I have written. I hope you enjoy them. I write from the heart...and to the heart. You will see a variety of poetry...from the romantic to the dark and gloomy. Even poems about the disease Lupus and a fantastic group of people I call friends...those who belong to an on-line support group for sufferers of SLE and other Autoimmune Disorders. If you would like to know more about SLE or the support group, or would like to comment about one of my poems, feel free to email me at the address below.

ALSO: We have started a non-prejudiced support group on EGROUPS! I'm very excited about this because it gives an outlet for the Significant Others and Spouses of those who suffer from chronic illnesses and disabilities to talk freely through a moderated email list. If you find yourself in this situation, and need support or want to give support, or just want to see what others are going through please put your email address in the space provided below,
Subscribe to SO-Mates-CareNetwork
Powered by www.egroups.com

and click on the button and join up! You'll meet others who KNOW how you feel and want to meet YOU! :)


We have a Web Site up for the SO-Mates-CareNetwork! Just click

We even have a CHAT ROOM on the site! It's open 24/7 for you to use. Come meet the friends you've been talking to on the list.
It's a simple site, but you can search the web, send a greeting card to that special person who needs a pick-me-up, chat whenever you want to; even meet a friend or two and talk things over. Please visit and sign the guestbook.
Don't forget to bookmark it!
I'll be making some changes to the site as I get information like useful URL's, books that are helpful, your stories, poems, whatever you would like to submit and have posted. If you have an idea for the site, just send me an email and we will see what we can do. :) ENJOY!

Now...sit back...have a cup of coffee...relax...and enjoy. And by-the-way, please stop by often, as I will be making frequent changes to this site.

My Award for Poetry!

Thank You Candace!

Also check out Bluemountain Arts on the Internet and see the animated greeting card with one of my poems on it to send to your friends!

"Ribbon of Promise"

The following is the Campaign Pledge of the Ribbon of Promise.


End School Violence!

"Mission Statement"

We will unite the nation in an effort to end school violence by acting as a resource for communication, education, planning and action.

I want you to meet someone very brave, her name is Kat. She is a real PIONEER in the Lupus comunity! Kat underwent an experimental procedure called a "Stem Cell Transplant," and is responsible for bringing hope to many who thought there was none. Much education, supporting, and fund raising was done through her own efforts, but the Internet played a significant role in this too. Who says the Internet is just fluff! To read her story go HERE and be inspired.

I want to make a special acknowledgment to someone very dear to me; Paul. He's a master at graphics, and you'll see a lot of his work here on my site. You see him in the picture above, but...well here's his rendition. :)))

Isn't he a cutie?

Please help to support the "Adopt A Guardian Angel" Program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!-Thank you for your support!

This is my adopted angel named "Little Snow"

Children Are Worth Saving Web Site

© All poetry on this site has been copyrited.

One small but important favor folks. Please check out the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children banner below. "YOU" may save a child! Thank you.

Looking for a new book to read? Or perhaps some music? Well just click on your choice below, and have a fantastic time browsing the biggest book/music store there is!

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The Romantic Collection
The Darker Side of Life
Dealing With the Disease Lupus
Graphics Links
A Calming Variety
Kids Corner
A Tribute to Native Americans

Links to other sites on the Web

Coffee A funny look at coffee & my other site.
Sacred Wish - One of Delaware's Hot Rock Groups
Country Spotlight
ICQ Chat Program
Rick Keiderling's Grand Funk Railroad Site A site I helped to develope.
Oprah Winfrey's Site Yes! You can get to Oprah without AOL!
Rosie O'Donnell's Show Ditto for Rosie! :)
Neil's Shania Twain Picture Supersite

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May 6, 1997!

If you'd like to link to my site, please feel free to copy the snowflake below and use it as a button. Thanks! :)

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