Hi! Nice to see you!

I'm Chrissy, and I live in the Capital of Australia. It's the middle of summer, terribly hot and major water restrictions are happening. We're down to 37% capacity in the main water supply dam for the city!

A little about me ......
I paint and create jewellery in my spare time,
(you can see some of my creations in the photo page),
love music, fishing, birds, gardening,
good food, the outdoors, travel and being alive.

I hope you enjoy your visit, call again soon :-) & have a happy day wherever you are!

After you've had a look around my pages, PLEASE, sign my guestbook? Although I fear it may not be working... time for some maintenance on my page :-)
(there is a spot to click on at the bottom of this page).

Click here to visit my Art Gallery

Click here to visit my Photo Gallery

Click here to visit my Bird Page

The Bird and Me

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Links to favourite sites on the Web

A wonderful site for Jazz midi files!

A very interesting Sun Clock!

and if you want to know the weather forecast...

I'd love you to sign my guestbook! Or read my guestbook..

© 1999