03.31.2003; 10:01pm
Thought/quote of the day:

"Would you call me crazy if I called you satisfied? And would you take my hand if I could fly-"

Past thoughts

Recent pictures of me: (2003)

MEOW... My Inked Back... Me randomly taking pictures....

Pictures of me taken on 11/03/2001:

PIC 1... PIC 2... PIC 3... PIC 4... PIC 5... PIC 6... PIC 7

Pictures of me taken on 09/07/2001:

PIC 1... PIC 2... PIC 3... PIC 4... PIC 5

Pictures of me taken on 2/15/2001:

PIC 1... PIC 2... PIC 3... PIC 4... PIC 5

"...sometimes i see the half and not the whole.
sometimes i see the face and not the soul...
sometimes i think this place has no part
for anyone who ever had a heart..."

Shawn Colvin
view complete lyrics of this song

Other artists that you should check out (besides Christine Lavin and Shawn Colvin:
Nickel Creek

ani difranco lyrics

.....life is too short for someday.....

(scroll down for more links)


A cool mouse trail I found on dynamic drive.

If my menus dont work, please e-mail me.