Steve's Amy Grant Website

"Simple Things" is set to hit stores August 12, 2003.
There has been talk of a radio and commercial single to be in stores in May.
More information will be added as it is received.

See the Recent News section in the menu above for the latest Amy news, including a magazine cover story and a few live appearances.

Steve and Amy, Sept. '98
Me and Amy amy in purple dress
Friends Of Amy....the Official Amy Grant Fanclub

To join the official fan club, prices are:
$10 per year in the US
$12 per year in Canada
$15 per year all other countries

Membership includes:

3 Issues of the official newsletter per year, sent in Spring, Summer, and Fall
Concert itineries when Amy is on tour
An autographed color photo Christmas card
A specialty item chosen by Amy, exclusive to FOA at the end of each year

To order, send a check or money order to:

Friends Of Amy
9 Music Square South, PMB 214
Nashville, TN 37203

Your payment should be made payable to Friends of Amy.

Amy Merchandise

Now playing in my CD player:

Natalie Grant
Deeper Life

people have visited this site!

[tour pass]

This site © 2003 Steve M.
