ATELIER in Brussels
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Ulrike Bolenz first time in London
The german painter Ulrike Bolenz is presenting her work for the first time in London. After several exhibitions in Germany, Belgium, france and Italy, awards and public acquisitions, her important work is now exhibited at the Foreign Press Association in London from the 1 to the 8 october 1998.
Working between Berlin and Brussels, she is a young german painter who requires different and original means to express herself about actual subjects.
Working on the human body and using different techniques for her art including video, photography, computer, drawing and painting, her work refects a real preoccupation about the identity of human being in our society.
A very particular technique
After filming her nude models, she makes a photography of the wished expression, a video-still in black and white. She manipulates the negativ with the computer to get more perspective and to add pixel. After this intervene she prints the picture on plexiglas panels or big transparent papers and applies it on wodden boards that she then paints with acrylic. Through her artistic intervene - the add of the gesture - on a numerised photographical pictureon plexiglas, she gives matter to decomposed structures and causes a unique contrast between the polish of the plastic and the embossment and the warmth of the painting. Consequently her monumental paintings become a real dialectic aspect, mouvement and perspective and a rare expressiv power. Using these different techniques for creating pictures, the result are still paintings and the artist seems to have invented a new form of representation.
Loss of identity
Her models are men and women. Shown nude and innocent, mainly in a frontal position, these figures seem to be prisoners of our age of high technology. The main subject of Ulrike Bolenz is the loss of identity in our society. She illustrates women's laughing as a liberating act and a real way of personal preserve. She got the inspiration for the monumental works of " Laughing women " in seeing a picture of the first 32 anglican women-priests of the Church of England in 1993. The artist said : " The laugh brings liberation, the tragic figures touch me more, but the laughing women encourage and calm me. "
Cloning is another recurrent subject in her art. In showing nice women locked in the frame, the artist wants to express the human wish of perfection through cloning , that is perhaps the real loss of personality.
The progressive walking men seems to go out of the frame, he tells the speed and the need of infinite progress in our contemporary world.
With her particular technique, Ulrike Bolenz has found the adapted way to express and illustrate her thoughts. Confrontated with this human-size figures, the spectator is the observer and the observed. He is constantly urged to think about the future of human being by the expression of these incredible mixed media paintings that finaly make its own effect.
Exhibition in London Press contact : Katia Hermann
works from 1998....
the website in Berlin/Brussel :
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Ulrike BOLENZ website in Brussels (via Berlin) :
Espace brisé 1999 ( view from atelier)
Last updated by RAES BOLENZ on 3 november 2000 in Brussels, Belgium
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