Welcome to my home, This site is just something that lets me express myself a little.
this is an old friend of mine named Jessica, and her son Joseph.
Me on my trip a few years ago in my Beretta.
My 1966 Mustang
Heres one of the sweetest women ive ever met, she was one of the nicest girls in my life, her name is Chrystal and I hope I see her again someday, congradulations on your baby Chrystal.
I love you Chrystal, I always will
This is Tina, a girl I dated for almost 6 years until everything flew apart, actually I dont know how it stayed together that long, but I loved her,and at times I wish things were different, I gave her all I was inside, only to have it used against me. she was special to me, she became very special to me, only to have her betray me it in the end, costing me almost everything. But out of all the women i've ever met, Chrystal Cleer is by far the most affectionate, loving, beautiful, charismatic woman ive had the pleasure of meeting, she was like an angel, and it felt like kissing an angel. Its been years since ive last seen Chrystal, but one thing time will never change, my heart will always be hers.
Links to other sites on the Web
A good and honored friend of mine.(notice the credit she gives me *lol*)
A friends very cool page, youll see.
Thankyou for visiting my web page, come again soon, I'll be updating soon...P.S. thanks Jennifer for Finding that error in my page :) its fixed smarty...
Oh and Devin cya on the dark side bro.
good luck
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