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Coming up the hidden driveway through the back roads of west-central Illinois you come upon a sign saying "THE RANCH"....

Old wooden hand made sign standing on an old wrought iron post... Following along a narrow crooked dirt road driveway you near a house. You can't quite make out it's size from here, and before you think more about it, your attention is drawn to the impressive growth of tigerlillies near the porch... The smell of pine, walnut and roses fills your nostrils as you leave your car.

You knock upon the door....

"Welcome to Sexisadie's... I'm James. Yes, she is indeed the one who is on Yahoo Chat 40+ roaming around getting into trouble in Rotzy's Bar and Grill. Miss Sadie just moved in, so don't mind the mess... The place will be set up in no time!".

As you can see, the place is quite laid back. Old hippies die hard. Large overstuffed pillows, overstuffed furniture, guitars leaning against the walls everywhere... Old hornets nest hanging from a macrame' hanger in one corner, a large dreamcatcher hanging from the main beam in the center of the room. And everywhere, crates and boxes, some marked fragile... Quite obviously, the occupants just moved in.

"Sorry we can't invite you to any of the rooms yet, but come back regularly! You'll soon see we're going to have quite a place here. Miss Sadie should be able to welcome you herself in the Sun Room quite shortly...."

Last updated June 21st, 1997.