
Mellow Pages

Mellow Pages are personal homepages or business websites created and designed for those who either don't have the desire or the time to master the process for themselves. Every attempt is made to express an individual's personality or the true nature of a business. Samples of my work can be found at the following locations:


Mellow's Room - My Homepage
Muszica's Hideaway
Olive Me

Price List

Main page, 1 computer-ready graphic or picture, 1 e-mail link,
1 counter, 1 guest book (if desired), 3 links,  up to250 words of text
Additional links, each$2.00
Additional photos$5.00
Cropping photos, each$3.00
Scanning photos, each$3.00
Thumbnail photos, each$8.00
Custom banner (static)$25.00
Custom banner (animated)$45.00
Monthly maintenance (payable in advance for 6 months)$10.00
Each additional page$25.00
Embedded music (I search)$5.00
Embedded music (you search)$2.00

Please email me for further details on packages.