We moved! I know why you're here! You just got back from one of the local flamenco shows and now you want to know more about flamenco in DC, right? The new location
Why did we move? What does this mean? Well, the webpage you are looking at right now is sponsored by a FREE webhosting service by Yahoo! Each time someone visits the webpage, it puts the computers at Yahoo! to work. Since my website gets a lot of visits everyday, it's been putting the Yahoo! computers to work a lot---at least more than they typically allow for a FREE webhosting service. What happens when I exceed the limit is that Yahoo! shuts down my website for an hour. That's not a good thing. So to get around this, the DCFLAMENCO website is being moved to a new location. |
The new address is http://www.dcflamenco.com
It's going to take me a couple of weeks to transfer all the webpages to the new location so please be patient. I'm very grateful to Yahoo! for the FREE service. It has served me well for the past few years. But now it's time to upgrade to a more professional service. If you have any questions or comments, use this form or email me directly at -Miguelito |