Welcome to the

PKK Home Page

letter from the author 16.1.1998


The Contents of This Page Include Extreme Violence Based On Facts and May Seriously Damage Your Faith in "Humanity"

Please Use Your Browsers 'Back' Command To Leave Now If You Think You Will Be Offended By The Naked Truth

Terrorism's primary object is

bloodshed and violence

  And it disregards the
"human dignity"
and the
"right to exist"

you will find here
some interesting media on their
methods, means and targets.

has appeared in different forms and names in various different periods throughout the history of humanity.
Today terrorist activities still constitute the most important problem which impedes the development of the countries in social, political and economic fields, and the democratization process as well.

Terror organization PKK's acts of violence and terror against Turkey which started with Eruh and Semdinli raids in 1984, have today reached to the international terrorism dimensions.

As a matter of fact, the terror actions carried out in Europe and particularly in some German cities recently proved clearly that terror cannot be contained within certain limits for a long time.

It became apparent that terror organization PKK has, clearly proven connections with the drug trafficking and arms smuggling, particularly in Europe.

In fact without them the narcotic traffic in Europe could not survive. Check this map.

When human being is considered above all values,

Where the frontiers are eliminated,

and globalization is experienced,

This is what you get for your sympathy

towards the PKK

The Sponsors 

These are the governments, or institutions who directly or indirectly support, tolerate, or fail to combat evil in the clothes of PKK

Friends of PKK






I have prepared this site, hoping to provide information concerning the real face of terror and prevent exploitation of the lack of information in the Western public opinion on the so-called "Kurdistan" issue.

please e-mail for your comments / questions

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