Welcome to
The New

Pony Girl


Welcome back ! Some of you may be aware that quite some time ago I had a set of pages very similar to these. Sadly, due to personal reasons, as well as time restraints, I had to take it all down. I am hopeful that I've found solutions to both of these problems - and the PonyGirl Pages are back !

The Essence of a PonyGirl

or -- What are Little PonyGirls Made of

Numerous are the occations where I've been asked - for example in the IRC channel #bondage - what exactly a ponygirl is, and what the emotions and feelings involved are. Whilst this isn't an easy, nor in any way unimportant question, it is also one that takes a ton of time to answer - that is a whole lot of stones, for you Imperial types... ;)

I've tried as best I can to answer this question from my own highly personal viewpoint. Your mileage may, of course, vary. I'm not quite done with it, yet...

A Pony's Outlook

or -- The World According to LisaStar

More philosophy - and still not done.



Several new, and old, sources for equipment of various types have been collected.
Updated: Thu, 20th Mar 1997 01:19:55 (0)


PonyGirl, and -Boy, images. Without exception these are of a non-sexual nature.
Updated: Thu, 20th Mar 1997 01:19:55 (0)


PonyGirl, and -Boy, stories. These might just happen to be of a rather explicit sexual nature.
Updated: Sun, 23rd Mar 1997 02:08:51 (0)


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Sun, 23rd Mar 1997 02:10:28 (0)