Bienvenue Chez la Grande Grenouille

Welcome Friends and French/Spanish students

 La Météo
Mary Margaret Sullivan, a virtual Spanish teacher for the West Virginia Virtual School. I am a former French and Spanish teacher at George Washington High School in Charleston, West Virginia. Totally amazed and enthralled by the internet and the limitless possibilities that it provides French and Spanish students, I created this web site to share my discoveries with my students and all those who love these languages. Meet my family!

keroparis Interactive Activities for French students.


Reflexive Verbs Matching

Unit 2 Spell

Unit 2 Verbs

keropimexicanNew Spanish Page

keroparis Interactive Games and Quizzes

 Mardi Gras

 Ecoutez MC Solaar

 The Importance of Knowing French

 Interactive Games and Quizzes for French 2

 French Grammar Center

 Tex and Tammy, two star-struck armadillos, and Bette,bent on destroying their love.

 Interactive Games and Quizzes for French 3

 French Pronunciation

 Interactive French City Viv@

 Jouez avec Caillou

 Discovering French Activities

 Le Mont Saint-Michel

 Le Mont Saint-Michel en français

 Quia Activity on Adjectives

 French 4/5 Spelling/Oral Grade

 French Embassy in Washington,DC

Links to other sites on the Web

 Quartier Français du Village Globale

 National French Contest

G.W. students did very well on the National French Contest last year. Click here to see the specifications for this important exam and begin now to prepare for the exam in March.

  Visit me at George Washington High School
 French Language and Culture Links on GW Website
 Homework/Page for Parents
 Les petites philosophies de Géniale

 International Café

 Adopt an Escargot
 Cool Cultural Stuff! French Fridge Magnets

 Play Hangman en Français!

 France Culture for French 3 and French 4/5

 French Newspapers

 French Music

 Top 50 Hits in France

 How to Make French Accents on your PC

 Les Grenouilles Câblées

 Online French Dictionary

 Quia-Test Yourselves on almost any chapter of our textbook

 Conjugate any French verb in all tenses

 Celebrate La Fête de l'Internet: Click on Jeux to play

 Le Petit Prince

 Amnistie Internationale au Canada

[Hachette.Net Junior]

 Metric converter

 Practice your French

 A Virtual Voyage to France

 France Travel

 French-English Dictionary

 The Francophile Café

 Monsieur Sidératus au Cirque

 French Cyberbook

 French Animal Game

 French Art

 La Page de l'Hexagone (Cornell University)

 Le Sénégal

 What is your Saint's Day - French

 Translation Activity

 Joyeux Noël Internet Lesson

écris au professeur 
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