"For compassion a human heart suffices, but for full
and adequate sympathy, with joy, an Angel's only"
Samuel Taylor Coleridge...English Poet

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Dark Angels Halloween Haunt

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Legend of a Dark Angel

He told her she was not pretty-dark not bright
Your wings are black it's just not right.
Laughing they said -Go- Be gone from our sight.

So crying she ran her heart full of doubt
Alone and lost wondering what it was about.
She grew to hate herself so
Because they had laughed and told her to go.

Her heart ached from loss and pain
She struggled on every day the same.
One day she heard a voice call her name
Singing out in a lovely refrain.

Dark Angel, Why do you cry this way?
You shouldn't listen to what they say.
You are my special Angel of the Night.
Created for the dark, not the light.

Smiling she spread her wings for flight
Dark and shining like a starry night.
The other angels saw her beauty then
And smiled to see her flight begin.



"To love for the sake of being loved is human, to love for the sake of loving is angelic"

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