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Oh, I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
To show us how to live
To teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love
--chorus from "Angels Among Us", by Alabama

Somebody's Out There Watchin

Hope, everybody needs hope
Some kind of peace of mind
That they can call their own
And everybody needs love
Just a little trust
'Cause sometimes eatin', sleepin', breathin'
Just ain't enough

As long as the truth is on the table
As long as there's kindness down the line
Like the little babies in the cradle
We'll be fine

'Cause I believe
Somebody's out there watchin'
Somebody's out there watchin'
I believe
Somebody's out there watchin'
Somebody's out there watchin'
Over me

Dreams. Everybody needs dreams
All the joy and happiness
That the good life brings
Everybody needs freedom
Everybody needs touch
Somewhere to lay their heads
When it gets to be too much

Got enough time to last forever
Got enough faith to get us home
We're never gonna die and go to heaven
All alone

'Cause I believe
Somebody's out there watchin'
Somebody's out there watchin'
I believe
Somebody's out there watchin'
Somebody's out there watchin'
Over me

Hidden from us
In the sky above us
I can feel it all around
Hard to see it
But I do believe that
There are angels looking down

Yeah, I believe...
Somebody's out there watchin'...

~by The Kinley's
~From Touched By An Angel~

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