Fairies and Fantasy
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Last update : April, 2009
Welcome to Fairylight's Fairies & Fantasy
Please take your time and venture to the bottom of the garden, where those
with moonbeams in their hearts shall tread.
Gather some "Fairy Dust" and take it with you "
a little note, this website has been up since early 1997,
some of the items eg. greeting cards you might see to be as out of date
I do realize this, but all is left here as an archival vault of things
that were
and things that are)
If you wish to return to this index at
click on the Fairy...She will be with you all the time
This Fantasy Haven,
has been honored with the
"Fairy Dust Award",
For Websites that celebrate the innocence & magic
of childhood for the young and the young at heart

SEND Gossamer
Dusted Fairy Mail
If you Believe in
Fairies please....
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©Fairylight, 1997
This site last updated April, 2009
The Background on this page is by ©Brian