~ Westgate's Homepage ~

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WELCOME To My Homepage . . .

This is my little thread in the web! My site is very new so sit back, relax, and take it easy for a few moments . . . :o) My goal is to make a page for everyone to enjoy!! I love poetry and hope in the near future to share some of my favorite poems with you. I am always looking for cool sites and new places. I would love to add some music links to my page, so if you know of a cool link please email me . . . Here are a few favorite poems of mine that I hope you will enjoy!

~~ Memories of You ~~

As I look through my memories,
Some old and some new,
The ones that stand out,
Are the memories of you.

And now that you're gone,
So far and not near,
The memories of you,
Are the ones I hold here.

I speak of my heart,
That's where you'll stay,
My thoughts are with you,
Every hour, every day.

I wait for the day,
When I will see you again,
And just so you know,
I'll be right here until then.
~~ A.A.W.

~~ For Once At Last ~~

Every bright star in the night time sky
Watching over me as I lay here and cry,
Tears for me now, thoughts from the past
Silently praying, I'm peaceful at last.

My soul on wings into the night
My last breath with the morning light,
One heart lay silent, my eyes so cold
From a broken heart death be tolled.

As a silent whisper from my lips passed
It was heard, I found my peace; peace at last!
~~ A.A.W.

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