Lauren's Little Corner of the Web

This is us (:

Hi! I'm Lauren. Welcome to my page. Believe it or not, I'm a senior at the College of William and Mary. Only a few weeks left until Graduation - when we're all supposed to be functioning adults. LOL. Come the fall, I'll be a student (again :p ) at Tulane Law. Woohoo! (Or not really. We'll see how much the libations flow while we're trying to study con law) Well, that's about all the news that's fit to print for right now....except that I want to mention that my friend Kristin is the COOLEST person in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!! She's so gorgeous that she looks like a fashion model....even when she's just woken up in the morning! (I know - aren't you jealous? You should be.) But she's also a FABULOUS person on the inside - I am so lucky to have gotten to know her better this year! (: But that's enough for now - she already hates me for having written all this up here. And it's time for us to go have MUCH fun with Toasty Bear! (;

More about me: I'm a proud member of Phi Mu Fraternity (link here), and I also direct the Christopher Wren Singers, so between that stuff and classes I'm kept pretty busy! But when I get a chance, I love to amuse myself playing any number of musical instruments, watching movies, or speaking in tongues. (-; And, of course, I am always up for a little bit of Colin Firth-watching!!

for the moment are some of the quotes I've put up on my quotes page....inspired mostly by my wonderful Phi Mu girlies at W&M. You guys make my world the wonderful place it is - thank you!!!

This site is under a continual state of construction!

Here's the link to our chapter's website

This link will take you to the CWS Home Page, very amazingly designed by Mr. Matthew McCartney!

I've taken down the picture that used to be here in anticipation of scanning and putting up a much more recent one (with much more recent friends)....

Here's my newest page, where you can browse through some of the quotes that I've collected over the years.

Here's my page of prom pictures of some gorgeous girls, and a couple of handsome guys!

Visit my page all about my favorite author, Jane Austen!Check out my page on one of my favorite actresses!

Click here to visit the official Royal Monarchy site devoted to Princess Diana.


Hey! Drop me a line to say "Hi!"

© 2001

Last Updated 17 march 2003

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