~*Debra's Crystal Shadow Realm*~
...she kneels before you dressed in a flowing purple cape and a purple tube dress
form fitted.bare back, long elbow length purple satin gloves encase her arms,
Wet red lips part and eyes sparkle with anticipation, her long waist length curly
black hair glitters with thousands of brilliants of all the colors of the
rainbow as it pools in a soft cloud at your feet.She holds her hand out to you
and offers a palm full of Emeralds from the Caverns of Miracles mined
by the blind men,slaves of the "Keeper"...'Take these kind sir and stow them in
a safe place for our future of Wonder!*smile*...she rises and glides to Gladiator
her Unicorn and runs a red fingernailed hand through his shimmery Maine of gold,
whispers soft incantations in his ear as he whinnies and prances about...Butterflies
and flower petals float through the air...The scent of lilacs waifs from her
presence...*laughing softly*
Hmmmmm..I guess you would like to know something about me.*Twinklin eyes* I Live in Missouri "The Show Me State" in the U.S.A.
I have waist length curly black hair, hazel eyes, am 5'7", 146lbs., am divorced, have a beautiful 16 year old daughter, two little dogs and a*Bigdimpledsmile*
I am a Clinical Pychologist/Artist who Loves People, fishing, writing with a passion and snuggling with a special someone by candlelight with a fine glass of wine and soft muzik.
I love to write just about anything...but poetry is My passion..I write from the heart and I hope you enjoy and feel something of yourself in my words.

"Wave of Love"
..sometimes when the wind blows cold then still..
..I shake and shiver, then chill..
..for in that very instant of time..
..I think of An Angels breath meeting mine..
..simply melting together as one..
..feeling the earth evaporate in glorious white light blues and yellow gold sun..
..not ever wanting to wake from this trance..
..We sway in the mist and do the age old dance..
..Tenderly Tasting of the Sweetness of life called LOVE..
..We get lost in each other souls in the Heavens above..
..MMMmmmm..So YOU feel it too and I knew that You would..
..Itz a mixture of wonder, both Evil and Good..
..Yet even though all this happens in a fraction of time..
..I'm so totaly yours as You're totally mine..

"Whispered Voice"
I sometimes hear your voice..from time to time...
It soothes and caresses me knowing it was in that instant Mine...
Then it became a whisper and I had to listen very close...
Words I had no right to were what I cherished most...
Sometimes what we cherish must be set free...
To learn and grow and live and become whatever we can be...
Though what I remember clearly is the feeling that I had...
Elation oh so wonderous to keep me from being sad...
Times of laughter, times of glee...
Times of love you shared with me...
We cuddled close and shared our thoughts of just anything...
Brought comfort and caring to each on an Angel's Wing...
So fly away and live your dreams...
Learn all you can and flow with lifes streams...
Though know within your heart Your whispers are heard too...
For all you have meant to me...You Still Do...

"Deep Waters of Life"
..Whispered KiSses melt into a restless Ocean as we touch..
..To Be Your Love would Mean So Much...
..Lookin deep within your soul...
..I feel you flounder at a Loss for words to share what you know...
..Tasting the Salt upon your Lips...
..Tears of Love mixed with Sea Salt sprayed on drifting boundless Ships...
..Embracing you close in my Heart on these WaVeS Called Love...
..Listening to your breath mixed with wind graze my body on the Wings of a Dove...
..Together we brave these Deep Waters of Life that we feel...
..Placing Your Anchor in My Heart to know what is Fake...and What IS Real...

"Be My Love"
To be embraced in your arms..
Feel soft lips caress my flesh with alluring charm..
Inhale a scent that can only be yours..
Exploring our textures Body and Mind through open doors..
Tasting you in the throes of passion not yet spent..
Gazing deeply into your eyes..connecting souls with Pure Intent..
Cuddlin close with closed eyes and *soft smile*the afterglow..
Waking to Your *KiSseS*giving that Look Only You Know..
"Be My Love"

"Welcome to My Playground"
Swingin on a heartstring...
Slidein down a mind...
Jumpin on a giggle box...
*laughing*with what I find...
Splashin in your laughter...
Runnin with your soul..
Tossing Luvn*KiSses*...
Climbin for Our Goal...
Chasin more than Rainbows...
Catchin more than Dreams...
Livein life the Fullest...
Wading in itz Streams...
Walking on itz byroads...
Passing untouched thoughts I found...
Luvn You my Deepest Heart of Hearts...
Welcome to My Playground!
Midi selection is Almost A Whisper. . .artist Yanni.

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~*Shadow's of Life*~
~*Shadows of Thoughts*~
~*Thoughts Spoke Out Loud*~
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