2nd Star to the Right

Welcome to my little piece of the world. Thanks for stopping to see me. By entering, prepare to surrender yourself to my life, my ideals, my soul. I hope that what you stumble across here will leave an impression and even lead me into your heart...for all of you have earned a place in mine.

(Now for the obligatory bio for those who don't know me:) My name is Jennifer Ann Maddern, but I also respond to "Jenny," "Jen," "Jam," "#1," "Jenny Bean," "J," "Cosmo," "Props Queen," "Maddern," "J1," "Kimmie," "Flag Girl," "Squirt," "Shrimp," "Jim Beam," "Angel," Annie," "Vanillabean," "Ju-Ju," "Jelly Bean," "Miss Maddern," but not "Woman." I live in Ashburn, Virginia between a bunch of strip malls that used to be cornfields & trees. Right now, I attend Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, VA and plan to be here for another year, but will soon have to transfer to California or Florida. See, I am studying to be a marine trainer (like at Sea World, not in the army contrary to dumb questions) and the schools there have the marine biology programs I need. When I was in high school I attended Broad Run HS. There I was involved with Thespians (both on-stage & backstage as Props Queen), Colorguard ("Don't worry, we only hit Craig with flags."), Spartan Singers (sparkle! peaches! pencils!), NHS (occasionally...), Bible Club (yes, Kyle, it's true), SLP ("We didn't want to win anyways."), writing government essays (STILL?!?), and hitting electronic pets with hammers. THINGS I LOVE: "Romeo & Juliet", Phantom of the Opera, the Crew, Jewel, oldies, candles, the sea, poetry, blue, "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Dead Poet's Society", "American Pie", soundcheck, Cherry Coke, pasta, Poohbear, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan...hell...Disney, "Wizard of Oz", "JFK", dogs, the Beatles, "Love Shack", my little sister Alex, deep conversations, Letterman (I will marry him), the theatre, sporpin', pretzels, "Dirty Dancing", sunflowers, "Tommy", MC Escher, "Relativity" (before it was cancelled), San Antonio, Tori Amos, thunderstorms, God, babies, "smails," daydreams, snowflakes, the Doors, vanilla, "The Breakfast Club", "Tears in Heaven", white roses. THINGS I LOATHE: superficiallity, stupid people, crowds, Spice Girls, Hanson (no matter how catchy), electronic pets, being talked about behind my back, politics, money (because I never have enough), a certain pencil-tapper, prissy girls, Tech Rehearsal for "Oliver!", extreme PDA, Spray Cheese.
(Okay, if you don't know me by now, well, you're screwed.)(Oh, and I'm a Virgo...Sept 5...send gifts!)

Consider yourself now part of my world. Scared? Or intreguied? If you have chosen "A"...Fine! I didn't want you here anyways. (*hmph*) But if you lean towards "B," I invite you further. Relax, grab some coffee & rum cake (or Cherry Coke & pretzels), and surrender to the music of the night.

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Questions? Comments? Asinine insinuations?

Send me mail, love, but no stupid "Re:"s at jmadd4kh@mwcgw.mwc.edu
(Yes, it's the neverending address. Get over it.)

I've gotlovely bunches of coconuts.
(Okay, who's been fucking with the counter? I want names.)

Thank you Chris. I love you.

Background, backgrounds, backgrounds.

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