Architect : Abhay Avachat

Welcome to Aashi'yaana -- The Home Page for Urdu poetry on the Web !!

This page intends to cover as many aspects of Urdu poetry as possible. That includes, apart from great poetry, discussions about great poets, and poems, history of Urdu poetry, various poetry related discussions from Usenet and much more. Clearly, this is an ongoing process. I will try to keep the page as up to date as possible.

There is an archive here of interesting information about Urdu Poetry, great articles about it and also great poems. Wherever possible, I have tried not to duplicate the inofrmation. So, many links will take you to a different site. Even within this page, there are cross-links to the same resource. This is an intended feature. So you can consider this page as an index to the Web resources related to Urdu Poetry.

This page was last updated on September 1, 1997.
Your comments are most welcome. Please send them to avachat@hotmail.com

Aaghaaz ( Shuru'aat )

Some things are needed almost always. All those, you will find here. The Urdu dictionary on Web, GHalib's GHazals , Definition of GHazal and all such things.

Guftagu ( Baat-cheet )

Find here, some interesting discussions about Poetry that have taken place on the Usenet. Mostly this has been selected from the newsgroup, rec.music.indian.misc, aka RMIM. I also plan to put up the ALUP discussions here.

Sukhanwar ( Shaa'ir )

Find here, articles about Poets, their work, their life etc. Most of it has been picked up from the Usenet.

Deewaan-e-khaas ( Kuchh nazmeN, kuchh ghazaleN )

Pardon my pun, here you will find poetry of some of the best poets, information on some good books etc. I have tried not to duplicate, if the poem is already available on other sites. At the moment there is not much here except a few links to other sites. But this is one room which is expected to grow a lot in coming days !! Under Construction !

Khushfehami ( Kuchh apane baare mein )

Well, this is my site. So it's bound to have some of the articles written by me. The definition of GHazal is here, so is the pointer to the ASAD series and some such stuff. It also has some of the humourous articles written by me on RMIM.

Kya Misra Hai ?!

This is a Ghazal related quiz. Try it and give your creative juices a chance !

Hamsaayaa ( Padosi )

Our neighbours on the cyberstreet of Urdu Poetry. Here you will find sites related to Urdu and Hindi Poetry with a brief information about each of them.

:-) It will be great if you can give any suggestions, point me to something which can be included here etc. Please send your comments and suggestions to :-)
avachat@hotmail.com (Abhay Avachat)

This page has been visited times since February 26th 1997. Thanks for dropping by.

[Main] [Aaghaaz] [Guftagu] [Sukhanwar] [Deewaan-e-khaas] [Khushfehami] [Hamsaayaa]
© 1997 avachat@hotmail.com (Abhay Avachat)

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