To See Me on My Cam RedAce's Cam (If I am home and the cam is on)
2/9/96 Rodney C. Walmer It takes us by surprise Slowly entering our lives Wearing many a form Sometimes it hides Behind a disguise Of hurt and anger Through labels it will justify Acts of inhumanity Through prejudgment It will generalize Breeding the insanity Through generalization it will intensify In popularity and though it may grow In intensity it will spread In density In ways we can stop it Instead, we readily adopt it Then, when someone dies in the madness Everyone cries in the sadness about issues of equality But, the solution to this cancer gets lost in the pollution of it�s rhetoric and in the end we all have to answer to the damage created Not, by those who were hated But, by the hatred..... (c) Rodney C. Walmer 2/9/96
Links to mine and the
wonderful poetry of others on the Web
A Teacher -> By John Lisa (In Memory Of Joe Altman)
Old Spirit of Yesterday
My Education And Youth Related Poetry
Loves (not my best work)
(Poems I have Co_Written with other Poets.)
Poems, Like an Assortment of Nuts and Bolts
Poems Part II, My Second Assortment of poems.
Aunt D's Poetry - The Thought Provoking Work of Aunt D
Hi all. My site has been up for many years now. It has grown nicely. I have been able to put many of my poems out there for all of you to see. I have received some wonderful responses to my writing. Thankyou all. It makes me feel great to find people who enjoy my work. A little about myself. I am a seventh grade math teacher, with a wife and daughter( Mari Beth, 9 years at this writing). I am a computer nut, as most of us are these days. I developed this website out of a response from many friends, to send them copies of my poems. I felt it was unfair to make them wait, so instead I decided to place my poems here where they would always be available to everyone. Often, I can be found in irc on #coverups with many people whom I am proud to call friends. These are people I have gotten to know on a very personal level over the last year or so. I can gladly state they are Truly good people. So, please, enjoy the site, visit as many poems as you like. Please remember to sign the guestbook before you leave, it is just a little ways down the page. Thankyou, have a wonderful time.I have this wonderfull midi file compliments of Alan Lantman one of my many good friends at c20.0056. Alan has a very nice website he uses to illustrate his family tree at The Lantman Home Page It is well worth the visit. I can be reached at the email address below for any comments, questions or suggestions.
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