I do not support nor condone any sites or organizations that may appear in these advertisments. The Geoguide is here as a service of Geocities to save my pages from those annoying pop up window advertisments.
I am doing some major referbishing here and cleaning up a lot of empty links. So, if things seem out of place or you see some links repeated, that is why. Things are really messed right now and it may take a few tries to figure things out. Please be patient while my images load, I promise you that you won't be disapointed! Everything is well worth the wait. Please mail me if you have any suggestions. Thanks!
Lady Guinevere Aislyn
A new poem to check out: At Rivers End!! 'An Ophelian Legend'..with beautiful artwork too!!
You are kindred soul number that has travelled my kingdom since November 25, 1497....
The page count was 3096 before the new counter was added.
These pages are continuously being updated....
When possible, I have given credit
to the copyright owners of any art, web graphics, poetry, or other information
seen on my pages. If you recognize something of yours that I haven't given
you credit for, please tell me, you deserve the credit for it.
I have created my pages so that they can be viewed at
their greatest potential in both Netscape and Internet Explorer.