Valerie Hardin is the pixie of Gothic poetry, art and children's ebooks.
I'm With my mom on sunday a children's ebook by Valerie Hardin "Wish it had been around when I went through my divorce last year." - Angela Adair-Hoy,
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POEM FROM: Ugly Girl's Guide to the galaxy
Angels descend
Paper wings broken
They do not become mortals
But the demons they despised
Her Bio
Even at such a tender age Valerie's mind was full of otherworldly things and politically strife.
As a child Valerie used to clip out strange articles and bring them to school. When she was younger a tree branch fell on her head. Valerie wished someone told her to not stand under a tree when someone is sitting in it.
Valerie's handwriting was deemed so unreadable she got only mediocre grades. She was diagnosed with ADD than called hyperactivity. She was also diagnosed with Dyslexia or at least that’s what it said on old transcripts. She started writing to ovoid housework. Valerie has started doing housework in summer of 2004 with the help of the Fly Lady system. She was one day blessed with a word processor and didn't have to use her heavy chunky typewriter ever again and it had spell checker too. After years of using alternative therapies for ADHD that never worked Valerie is looking to go back to more traditional methods of treating ADHD, including medication.
She then started publishing a now defunct newsletter which she tried to start her failed political party. As far as anyone knows she was the only member of the H.U.G. party. (three to 5 people Subscribed to the free zine) She went on to publish Gothic Love Trip: with over 13 issues over the years The one of the only Christian gothic vampire horror sci-fi and other neat stuff poetry art zines in existence. Gothic Love Trip published, poets as Nancy Bennett, William P Robertson, Keith Allen Daniels, John Gray, William T. Tripp, and other fine poets. It had art by Doug Ferrin and Valerie's Mom; the artist Cathey Hardin. Even though she loved doing it the zine is gone. It was time to move on and get things done.
Though she might one day do an anthology or webzine with Gothic Love Trip. She loves being a hermit, collecting things like comics, things that glow, old books and other stuff. Her collections change so often. She Valerie’s first nomination was in 2000 when the award started. She lives with her husband John. she also goes by the name Valrie Hardin Melville. She is the former PR chair head of The Electronically Published Internet Connection (EPIC). You can reach Epic here. If you are a published writer you might want to join Epic
YA Horror Novels Under the Name JV Harlee. Written with Jennifer L.B. Leese Gargoyle Tears" by JV Harlee Paperback 0-9714086-5-3
My Grandmother's wedding by Valerie Hardin published 2002 (Eppie Finalist 2003) I AM GIFTED TOO Written By Valerie Hardin Illustrated By Mary Lacro Mauritz
CHRISTMAS ANGEL'S CELEBRATION Written and Illustrated By Valerie Hardin published 2001
I'm With My Mom on Sunday, published by Street Saint Publications Jan 2000, finalist for an eppie award 2001
Two Turtles, a book on disk Illustrated by Karla Ferkey-Houghton published by Hard Shell Word Factory November 1998 at or at the publisher
Dreaming chair 2002 by Valerie Hardin Illustrated By Linnea Sinclair
Pop! Pop! Pop! picture book on disk published by Dreamcatcher 1999, DREAMCATCHER BOOKS
Old Turtle New Moon by Valerie Hardin art by Anne O'Konski published by date Dec 2000 to be republished
"Star Babies: A Story Of Adoption" and Elaine's Amazing Stink published as a set 2001
Getting Published For Morons Or... The New Writer's Sanity Guide a book on disk published by Dreamcatcher 1999, Dreamcatcherbooks
Snow is cold 1999 Dreamcatcherbooks
Crimson Kisses, a vampire novella published by Dead End Street Publications 1999 Sold at
Prickly Butterflies Fairytales Of The Bizarre, 1999, DREAMCATCHER BOOKS
chapbooks of Gothic poetry by Valerie Hardin
Semi Organic life forms by Valerie Hardin July 200, 4Lucy Westenra Ebooks
Supernova by Valerie Hardin September 6 2004
The Myth Of Dragonflies by Valerie Hardin published by Lucy Westenra Ebooks 2003 (Eppie Nominated for 2004)
Falling into Nowhere: published Dec. 1996 shadowfire press (paperback)
Operation: Razor in the Brain: This ebook now goes by the name Operation and was republished by Tarrbutton Press. Operation by Valerie Hardin was first published by Dead End Street Publications Fall 1998. Eppie Finalist 2000.
When Love Spells Attack published 2002 (A 2003 eppie Finalist)republished by Tarrbutton Press. Apple Grotesques By Valerie Hardin 2003 Among Bluebeard's Bones: 2000 published Atlantic Bridge
my own Private Shell (Out of print self published when Valerie was 19)
Ugly Girl's Guide to the galaxy
Archangels and Amphibians (out of print, but might become available)
Thoughts of Christmas: Pirate Writings Publishing (poetry for children)
Shadowfire: Shadowpress 1997 chapbook anthology of poetry
Illustrated by Valerie Hardin
Dislocation Poems by Donna Burgess Illustrated by Valerie Hardin(limited addition chapbook by moonmaid press)
Illustrated Metro Madness and Other Poems by Terrie Relf. 2003 published Lucy Westenra Ebooks Illustrated by Valerie Hardin
Valerie's art is in William T. Tripp's chapbook illusions of reality (limited addition chapbook by moonmaid press)
Other works
Has appeared in the Blue Lady, Black Moon, Eclipse, Dark 30 and others.
She had a poets profile in Mausoleum October 1996 Vol. 1 No. 10
Valerie Hardin has a story published in Black Moon #8 called Leather Masks.
Echoes Laughing
Laughing demons
Use our words,
the echoes of our souls
To shatter use like glass
This is now award winning page!
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PS Thank you Everyday Angel for being cool and telling me what I was doing wrong. My web page would be blank if not for you. Everyday Angel also did the logo for this site.
Updated Valerie Hardin aka Valerie Hardin Melville 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
if you wish to copy anything from this site for your home page you can email Valerie at nospam/// remove the nospam///@ when emailing.