Welcome to Tom Lohre's GeoCities Web Site

Kentucky Fare
His Latest Still Life

 24" x 30", oil on canvas
Morgan, His Latest Portrait
Tom & Helen About To Take Off
Latest Mechanical Art

  Tom is a life long full time fine artist who paints portraits, commissions, landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, spacescapes. He also creates robotic artists and art machines.
         The amazing thing about Tom's progress is that he is moving towards creating robot machines that paint, talk and maybe even think like him. In a world where apprenticeship under a master is considered passé, Tom looks to instill his knowledge in a machine.
    Tom feels that now is the time to present and develop artificial intelligent art creating machines. These art machines have branched out into living mobiles, light devices, whirly-gigs, using biogenetics to paint with, math formulas for profile generation, mobiles of cut out silhouettes in aluminum and marble sculpting.
     All the while his classical manner is becoming more refined and deliberate in copying the manner of the old masters.
     Tom trained under the world's most famous portrait painter, Ralph Wolfe Cowan. After assisting Mr. Cowan in Palm Beach in 1980, Tom started traveling the circuit of Palm Beach, Nantucket and New York City.
     He met Irene Moore while visiting home in 1990. They have lived in Clifton since getting married in 1994 and now have a daughter.

      Tom paints formal portraits in the manner of: WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU 1825-1905.  These paintings are oil painted a la prima on a very smooth scrapped gessoed canvas stretched on board. The colors are as transparent as possible and all the edges are hard.

        Tom paints landscapes in the manner of: JAN VAN DER HEYDEN 1637-1712. These paintings are also painted a la prima on a very smooth scrapped gessoed canvas stretched on board. Figures are completely painted although they may be as small as one inch. Trees are painted carefully and without scrumbling. All paint is applied like icing on a cake.
Today Tom sees the advantage of the Internet as allowing the artist to market their wares directly in combination with good publicity and local art shows.

Tom built his first computer at the age of ten (it was mechanical). His  first PDA was a pocket computer from Radio Shack that he used to store all his addresses in one long roll of register tape from many cassettes of audiotape.

Tom use these pages as a respite from the easel. Look forward to an interactive game in the future. It will be a game where the subject comes in for a painting and has a highly illiterate conversation with the artist all the while a portrait-taking place.

Tom's Master Web Site
Electronic mail