September 1998 my boy friend and I went to Australia. We travelled this amazing country for 6 months - here is the story, pictures and the diary: Stine and Ulrik Down Under
One of my big interests is reading. I could live of books alone :) Here is a list of some of my favourite books.
Another of my passions is art. I love to sorround myself with beautiful, mindblowing or plain ugly and provoking paintings :) Art should move you other wise there is no point. The art I like puts me in a certain mood. Wanna know which kind of art I like ? then come on in.... prepare to be chocked LOL nah just kidding it's not that bad :)
If you feel the need to know more about me then feel free to drop in on this hastily thrown together page :)
Here are some of my very own poems. Unfortunately they are in danish - sorry.
Here are some links to my favorite places on the web
Playsite: My favorite playground on the web
Playsite is the best place I've ever stumpled upon. Here I have met my friends on the net, played games and generally had fun :)
The Nightmare Before Christmas
"The Nightmare Before Christmas" is one of the best movies I've ever seen. Imaginative, fun and touching. Here u can read about the making, characters, hear the characters voices and other fun things. Be sure to check out the lyrics - they are beautiful :)
Favourite musical would fit the movie very well. I love the quere characters and amusing plot. If your a RHPS Virgin - this is the place to go ! Here u can pick up on the apropiet conduct, Read about the actors, FAQ's and lots more.
This comicstrip is one of the funniest I've ever read :) Deep and profound subjects are being disgussed and analyzed. Crisees are being dealth with and it is all great fun ! If you've never read one of those strips - I strongly urge you to do so now :)
Yet another brilliant comicstrip
Web Pages That Suck.(fixing and preventing)
This page was made by two professional graphic-designers. Their motto is: "Learn good design by looking at bad design". And these guys do a great job ! They really helped me when I first started this page. It is good fun, helpfull and down to earth.
Also featuring "The Sucker of the day".
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Last updated July 1999