HI! BONJOUR! My name is Pete Jones. Welcome! One of my pages is now a Geocties Featured Page and can be seen here.I am Head of Modern Languages at Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering, Ontario, Canada. Our Board is the Durham Board of Education which is 30 miles east of Toronto. I teach French and German from grades 9 to OAC.
I am interested in small group cooperative learning strategies and other multiple models of instruction such as Concept Attainment and Concept Formation.
I have developed many materials to get cooperative learning up and running in the French class - such materials as: Phrases Magiques (a writing and reading comprehension activity), Les Cinq Amis (which can turn into a mind map) and You Be The Judge! (a jigsaw where I put fairy tale characters on trial).
If you wish to see these materials, please visit my page on cooperative learning at: Cooperative learning in the French class.
I also have many materials on Concept Attainment. I would be more than happy to share these and to receive any materials whcih you have developed. Merci bien!
In the links below you will find many connections to the world of la francophonie. I hope that you enjoy them and that they will be of use. Cheers - Pete
Links to other sites on the Web
A picture of Barb and Pete
Wonderful Links to Paris
Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links
French Teaching Methods
Cooperative Mailing List
Premiers Pas Sur L'Internet
La France est pour chacun ce qu'y laisse son coeur. (Alfred de Vigny) One of my favourite quotes about France - une citation qui me reste toujours bien chère.
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