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This website is dedicated to one of music's most fascinating personalities: David Sylvian. On my pages you will find a complete discography of his solo and collaborative work, as well as of his former band Japan. You can learn much about his work & vision that has inspired me for more than a decade and the references behind the enigmatic. The beauty of David Sylvian's music and poetry has always been very special to me. It's been intriguing to follow him on his quest in search for truth, love and God. His work is balancing between shadow and light, inner struggles and splendor, hopelessness and surrender. One of his basic understandings is the Tarkovsky word that in order to emphasize the light you have to put the focus on the shadow, or as he quotes US poet Robert Hass in the booklet to his latest release Dead Bees on a Cake: "If we make a poem of celebration, it has to include a lot of darkness for it to be real".
The title of this site comes from his 1995 solo-tour "Slow Fire - a personal retrospective" which I attended Sept. 3 1995 in Berlin and has since remained very special to me.

Down below you will also find a link to my other site that is paying tribute to my favorite French chanteuse Patricia Kaas. This site is still under contruction and will, I'm afraid, be for quite a long time.

The other link "Lebenslinien" takes you to my personal file that's currently in German only.

[site first setup in August 1997]

Last update July 2000.

Tested with the Internet Explorer 5.

These pages are optimised for 1024 dpi.

Design, Content & Image Manipulation:
Sascha Paulick

 Sylvian_Link.jpg (24009 Byte)    David Sylvian   Slow Fire – a personal perspective

Kaas_Link.jpg (14231 Byte)      Patricia Kaas   The Velvet Corner

        Lifelines / Lebenslinien
