break out of frames

My Castle

Lucky for you weary traveler of the cyber realm you have stumbled upon my castle.

Behind it's doors you will find many things to entertain, amuse, and educate you.

At the entrance you will find me your gracious host. You may also visit with the castle's young prince in his chambers.

The east wing holds my drawing room and poet's nook. While in the west wing you will find my music room and wine cellar rumored to hold a secret treasure.

My Castle with a moving lake.

Strolling the grounds you will come upon my gardens and the sky above will lead you off to other lands.

The castle has also won many awards which may be viewed in the trophy room.

For those of you following a specfic path you may find your way again by visiting the castle rings.

To enter my castle simply click on the area you wish to explore and enjoy your visit.

After enjoying a stay at my castle please take a moment to let me know who you are and what you think.

Feel free to use parchment and quill I have provided to write to me.___
Here you will find the castle pages
waiting to bring me your message.
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The author is a member of
The HTML Writers Guild
__Weary travelers have found peace behind my castle doors.