Me & My Family




Welcome to Studio ROP




MS Front Page . . . Welcome to my home on the Web . . . . . . . Please see my stuff . . . . . . . Have a good time . . . . . . . and use what you like . . . . . . Navagate by left clicking the bars below , the text even lower , or anything that moves . . . each should tell you where you're going to . . . . to IE download



You are hereAnimated Cross's Page - Please take a Cross with you to The Church Linksto The Ikthus PageMe in not too boring details and some family stuff

Josh loves Elmo - The page for my grandsonMy Friends & Awards Link Pagemy animated cursorscool animated gifsmore ani gifs3 great cross-stitch to choose from

Prose & SongsJava fireworkscool links on the webGraphics for your AdventAnimated Thankyou & credits



Fontaholics Anon

to their site



Studio ROP -  Animated Cross 's - Church Links - Ikthus Page - Me & Family
Josh's Elmo Page - My Angels - Animated Cursors - Animated Gifs - More Animated Gifs - Cross-Stitch
Poem & Prose - OKC Salute - Cool Stuff Links - Christmas - Animated Thankyous


greyday              the greyday website              greyday


 Wallpaper Sampler



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Thank you to  people for visiting since I learned to count .

Art Works found in this Web are Copyright Studio ROP & open Free for Personal Use .

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