The ultimate on-line guide to presentation skills.

We approach the subject of spoken presentations from a unique perspective. That perspective starts with the premise that our clients are already effective, persuasive communicators before they come to us. By advancing to key positions in their industry or professions, our clients have demonstrated that they can communicate their ideas consistently and that they have personality characteristics that compel clients, colleagues and industry peers to hire, trust and promote them against stiff competition. Their effectiveness as persuasive communicators has primarily been proven in the informal small meeting environment.

Our distinctive approach proves to clients how and why they are effective communicators in a relaxed conversational setting, and then gives them the skills and the confidence to approach the most daunting presentation assignments in their own conversational style. Our clients come across as relaxed and confident with the material and the circumstances they are dealing with under stress. The listeners get an accurate impression of the presenter's real personality characteristics and they can easily retain the key points in the message.

We do not believe there is any one "style" which should be adopted for making effective presentations. We disagree entirely with our competitors' "sausage machine" approach, which suggests that there can be a list of "do's and don'ts" for making presentations. The challenge is to discover what puts each client at ease in a high-stress environment and then encourage the client to employ his own innate communications style. Grant Pearson Brown aims to eliminate the apparent change in personality which occurs with so many presenters who have been schooled to present under a certain rigid set of guidelines.

The appealing part of our approach to all our clients is that we show them how to "be themselves" under the most difficult circumstances. Validation that one's own individual style is the most effective style of communication is universally reassuring.

Our approach is based on 25 years of serving business and political leaders in Europe and North America, with advice on internal/external presentations as well as interviews with the press, radio and television.


Fundamental principles

The Preparation Process

Use of Notes

Visual Aids (including computer-generated Visual aids)

Question & Answer

Our client list


Grant Pearson Brown & Co has a radical approach to spoken communications, continually developed through research started in the 1970's.
We are a leading international consultancy whose business and expertise is applied to helping top and middle management, including many Europeans, to speak in English more effectively, whatever the environment. These areas include formal scripted speeches, informal presentations, new business pitching and media interviews. We do this through management development (individually or in small groups) and advising on specific events.
We have an enviable record of success in helping clients such as accountants, bankers, brokers, fund managers and lawyers to win major new pieces of business, and have helped over fifteen companies to float on the International Stock Exchange. We continue to help the Directors of those companies with their presentations to City analysts, shareholders and the press.
Our business has expanded recently with the appointment of a Dutch national to our Consultancy team Our team is composed of Alastair Grant, Partner, Nigel Brown, Partner, Ewan Pearson, Partner, Tim Corry, Consultant, Lia Nathans, Consultant and Ian Mc Dougall, Consultant.

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